
Come for the lesbians, stay for the blog!

Friday, October 31, 2003

All Hallow's Eve, or: The Girls That Would be Whores 

So... Halloween today... special episode. So, being somewhat of a loser, I am neither tricking, nor am I treating. There were some complications, combined with the fact that my other friends are losers too. I probably could have gone to that intra-school party and gotten drunk with everyone else. Woo... wait, wait, sorry: WHOOT!

Anywho, this episode isn't about how much of a loser I am, nor is it about my distaste towards chemical stimulants, nor is it about my affinity towards proper and slightly archaeic speech.

Yes, this episode is about none of these things.

So, I went to school again today, as I tend to do on weekdays, but this was no ordinary school day, this was Halloween. I think Laguardia is the only school that actually celebrates the holiday of Halloween. We were actually allowed to leave around 1:30. That was fun. Wait, no it wasn't, it was lame. Anyway, I keep getting side-tracked.

I wanted to talk about all the wacky costumes I saw today. As we are an art school, we had a variety of cool costumes, all though I wasn't really THAT impressed. There was a costume parade later and it was kind of cool. Like they walked down this big stair case in the middle of the first floor, and there were a couple cool costumes. Like two girls were dressed as Xena and Gabriel, and I'm not sure if it was real or they were pretending, but it looked like they stopped and kissed. Man, that got a BIG cheer. Then there were some Playboy bunnies, and they kissed too, but it wasn't as original. Man.

Oh... kay... right, what was I talking about... oh yeah. After my mom picked me up and we were driving through the Bronx up to my country house, I saw a lot of little four and five year old girls dressed as little princesses and angels and stuff. Isn't that darling? It made me think. They start as princesses, and before you know it (you being... I don't know who), they're whores. Honestly.

Let's do a breakdown of the costumes of girls in the 9th grade:

Angels: 20%
Devils: 15%
Anime Chicks and Video Game Characters: 5%
Various Other (pixies, faeries, surgeons): 10%
Whores: 50%

That's right. Fifty percent! Actually, it might be more than that. I just totally made that chart up. But it's pretty close. And the girls that weren't whores, the faeries, the angels, the devils, they all looked like slutty faeries, angels, and devils. Good thing most of the sluttiest looking girls were hot. Man, it was an interesting day. Honestly, some girls were wearing basically glorified lingerie sets. Or whatever they're called. Man, I've seen so many thighs, so much underwear. I've seen things you wouldn't believe. I've seen skirts that bring new definition to the word "mini".

Ah! Hot. Honestly, I don't mean they looked like prostitutes, they were actually going as them. You know, like, "What are you?"
"A whore" or "I'm a prostitute with a bit of a drug addiction". I kept thinking I was in a lingerie commercial. I kept almost saying, "What is sexy? Doo doo doo doo doo duh deh duh dee doo doo." Then I'd blow on their hair. Ouch. That wasn't a good idea. Nah, I just made that up. Duh. No seriously, uh... what was I... okay, whatever.

On a closing note, today was very educational. I learned that deep down inside, most girls, even the nice ones, want to be admired every once in a while. I also learned which girls have really good abs. That's pretty much all I gots to say. See you around. Oh, and if any of you see me, please, give me some candy. My sugar levels are dangerously isotonic. Bye.


MY E-MAIL! Okayeahwhatever@yahoo.com. (0) comments

Tuesday, October 28, 2003

Writhing Stars (cont. inued.) 

Here's what I meant to tell you guys about Rising Stars the other day. I was just noticing how easily manipulated kids about my age are.

Okay, so like, one guy had a song that was about if he were various different animals and it was stupid and a little obscene and stuff, but at the end he had a passage that was just like "da da da da" and he was waving his arms with a couple groupies on stage. Suddenly, everyone in the first four rows (it was Freshmen day, meaning Freshmen could be in the VIP rows in the front.) Anyway, in the first few rows, everyone was waving their arms in a synchronized fashion. It was scary. You know how Jack Black says, in "School of Rock" that one great performance can change the world, it's like that, except the performance wasn't that great. But still, it validates all those crackpot schemes from Pinky and the Brain and stuff. You know, taking over the world?

I could just see some diabolical genius creating a band that goes around and sings stuff like:

Yo, pump your hands in the air
Don't forget to buy Clair. Ol.
Cleans your face
Makes you immune to mace
Yo, buy everything, yo. Know whamsayin'? Checkit!

Okay, there's probably an eviler way to use that besides selling beauty products, which is pretty evil as it is. Also, it would take a diabolical genius to try to rhyme "air" with "Clairol". So, anyway, nah, nah, nah, nah dah dah dah dah iamyournewruler.

And later, this band came on and this girl was singing and she went right up near the crowd and they all metamorphosed, like putty, into the new situation. All of a sudden, they hallucinated themselves into thinking that singing girl was famous or something. The kids in the front row started jumping up in the air and trying to touch her hand and stuff. It was mad strange. But honestly, just... yeah. My mom said that those kids waving their arms all frenzied-like could have been those Hitler Youth. You know? The kids that the Nazis trained. It was like that. They weren't even paying attention to the music, they were like, "hey, music! Do what you saw people do on MTV!" Whatever. I think this whole post is badly disjointed so I'm going to go finish my homework and maybe play some guitar (I recommend listening to some Saves The Day, they're cool). Okay, bye.


If you have yadda yadda: okayeahwhatever@yahoo.com. (0) comments

Sunday, October 26, 2003

Writhing Stars! 

Today, I went to see "Rising Stars". It's a sort of variety talent show put on by various different Laguardia students, most of them Juniors and Seniors. Apparently there's a very rigorous audition process so in theory, all the acts that you see are pure gold. So, now I shall review some of my wild night, because a) none of you wants to pay $10 a ticket and b) well, it's Sunday; you missed the last show.

So, as these were students of a performing arts school, many of the acts were good.

There was this guy, who was actually an alumn, that did this whole dance routine to a lot of Michael Jackson stuff and whatnot, and that was pretty cool. He did an aerial flip! Let's see... what else...

Oh, there was this KICKASS song that this girl sung. It was about Carrot Top, and how he was her one love. It was great.

Um... there was this drama student that's a Junior or Senior. He came out twice and pretended he was advertising for a book club. And he listed all these books you would get for free, like "How to deal with doubt, or should you?" It was great.

Oh, there was this little Freshman kid who's in Drama, but not in my half of the Drama class. Don't you just hate those guys? You know, those tiny little guys with the spiky hair that always like to run around and talk shit because they're so small. And they have one really hot talent, (it's usually breakdancing or skateboarding), and besides, all the girls like him because he's little and awakens their nurturing instinct and everything, and he can get away with everything because he's little and people think he's innocent of everything but he's really a little twirp. Don't you hate those guys? Anyway, he was dancing out their, and to my immense irritation, he is a fantastic dancer. That little bitch. With the near-spasmodic breakdancing and the moonwalking. I just want to break his ugly nose. Anyway, that was cool, despite how much I want him to accidentally flush himself down his own toilet.

And there was a collection of other stuff, like these four really good tap dancers.

There were also a bunch of big dance numbers which weren't very impressive. And the sound tracks for these dance things! It was like being immersed in all of MTV within two minutes. Oy! It's like in those movies where they tape the guys eyelids open and play 50 years worth of television really fast to him so he absorbs all of the past half a century. And then he becomes like, a superhero and utilizes his esoteric knowledge of Model T Fords to kill the evil supervillain with the giant satellite-powered laser.

But honestly, there was a new song like, every six seconds. Yeesh!


As always, my email is okayeahwhatever@yahoo.com. (0) comments

Black Knight: The Review 

Okay, here's the basic plot. Martin Lawrence (Jamal) is working at a place called Castle World which is like a medieval theme park. While he's working, he notices a necklace (bling bling) which has an emblem on it in the nasty moat with a stroller in it. He tries to reach in and get it, but he falls in. He wakes up in a lake and is rescued by a hobo wearing medieval attire. Jamal assumes that he's still at Castle World. He then goes to the main castle (after walking through the peasant village) and still thinks he's at Castle World. Then he bluffs his way into the actual castle by claiming to be a messenger from Normandy. This whole time he's speaking in ebonics. So he sees the king, and still thinks he's in the present day (what the fuck?). So I think eventually he realises he's in medieval times.

LOng story short he leads a rebellion against the evil king and restores the kingdom of England to the Queen. There's a lot of messed up shit throughout the whole movie. ANd lots of impossible stuff. THere's also a romatic interest. But as he's being knighted, he is being recussitated by one of those heart jumpers. He next sees that he's in Castle World (What the fuck?). So six weeks later (according to the movie) Castle World looks really nice and stuff and is very popular. THen, at the very end, Jamal trips and falls into the moat. When he wakes up, he's in the Roman Colosseum and you hear someone say 'release the lions' and he starts running. Then it ends. (WHAT THE FUCK???)

Let's see. This movie had some incredibly screwed up aspects. Such as it took Jamal until like the end of the movie to realise he was in the Middle Ages. Then he falls into the moat and goes to Rome. I spent a lot of the movie marvelling in his constant use of ghetto slang and in confusion. But it had amusing points that you should see just because it's so stupid and misplaced. If you get HBO and you're bored, watch the movie. Why not? It wasn't as bad as the Banger Sisters. (0) comments

Saturday, October 25, 2003

Something funny 

In 8th period Geometry this last Friday, Mr. H gave us this logic problem. Imagine the stupidest logic problem you've ever had to do. This one was 10 times stupider. It was the most needlessly complicated logic problem ever. It involved figuring out, which mailbox belonged to which family, and which other family's mail they recieved by mistake. The worst part was they said in the problem that the post office already figured out the problem! But we had to do it anyway.

So we were allowed to work with other people. I eventually started working with two of my 10th grade friends Joe and Alex. Joe had already given up so he was just doing other things. But here's the funny part. He said, "You know what would suck? If this was the test you had to take to get into Heaven." Have fun thinking on that one. Later folks. (0) comments

Friday, October 24, 2003

A Cuban Cigar 

I've noticed that no one ever posts to my really angsty stuff. Fair enough.

So, I've been thinking for a while about a man. A man with a plan. That man?




Right, so he has a plan: the plan? Let me list.

1. To make one good movie every ten years, starting with Jerry Maguire, in 1995.
2. To turn out as many shitty movies as he can in the interim.
3. During the fulfillment of step 2, cause a maximum of embarrassment to the African American race.

Cuba Throughout the Ages

1995: Jerry Maguire "Okay, it's not bad. Jonathan Lipnicki is cute at this point."

1997: As Good as it Gets "Well... it's got Jack Nicholson and a funny little dog. It can pass."

2000: Men of Honor "It has... Robert Deniro... so... I guess...."

2001: Pearl Harbor "The destruction of lots of people overlayed by a crappy love story and millions of dollars worth of uninteresting special effects. Woot!"

2001: Rat Race "Yay, let's put together some of the world's worst actors and hope a poorly written script will save it."

2002: Snow Dogs "No, I just... No. Look, when your co-stars are anthropomorphic dogs, you're running out of career opportunities."

2002: Boat Trip "AH HAH HAH HAH! He is on a gay cruise, and yet, he is not gay. Magical!"

2003: Radio "Ah, the latest humiliation. 'Today I shall play a retarded yet inspirational football fan. Hey, that sounds like most football fans and players, except inspirational."

You, know what? Looking at this list, I actually think the quality of his movies has declined during the past eight years. How can you go from "Jerry Maguire" to "Snow Dogs" in eight years? Jeez.

Is he supposed to be a role-model for aspiring black actors around the world? I sincerely hope not.


Once again, my contact information is okayeahwhatever@yahoo.com. (0) comments

Thursday, October 23, 2003

Biology Story 

So today (a few minutes ago from when I wrote this) I had biology. So the secretary Ms. Kumar delivered Ms. King a birthday present in the middle of class. So it's a scented candle that is greenish in hue. So I tell my friend Josh behind me, "It would be funny if there was weed in that candle. Someone could make a lot of money off of that." So she lights it and starts talking about strange things. Like how what we're studying is going to be considered nothing in a few decades and all this whacky stuff. The funny part is that the school got it for her. I swear there was weed in that candle.

Later. (0) comments

Wednesday, October 22, 2003


Yeah, I haven't posted about school for a long time, and I haven't posted about anything for a while. But, this has been disturbing me.

Yesterday, we had very few classes because we Juniors were taking the PSATs. We had a couple periods to ourselves, and during them, I got into this discussion with some kids. It gets kind of overwhelming over there, with all these different people. Like, a lot of people do drugs, and a bunch of people have had sex. Come on! These people are 14! Actually, some are 13. I don't know. It's just weird. And then I'M the one left feeling inadequate. Apparently, I'm an L7 (that means square, although it really looks more like a rectangle or something. Anyway, I'm the square because I wasn't having sex all summer. Give me a break! Me this shouldn't bother me so much. It's just weird and disturbing to me. Cause, you know, I'm not used to it. It's like I'm living the movie "Thirteen" except I've seen this and I haven't seen Thirteen. I didn't want to know. But, it turns out, I didn't need to see it because it's right there at my school. Yeah! I saved nine dollars! Man, I wish that came with popcorn. Artificial butter dulls the ache. I hate people.


If you have ANYTHING to tell me, do it: okayeahwhatever@yahoo.com. (0) comments

Tuesday, October 21, 2003

Cry me a collective river Boston 

Every year around this time when Boston is no longer in the playoffs and the Yankees are, you hear the same thing. "The Yankees won because they have all of the money!" I'll admit, the Yankees have the highest payroll, but the Red Sox could've beaten us. Heck, last year, the Angels beat us! In the first round! The point is, you can win without a big payroll. So now I give to you, the 3 ways the Red Sox could have beaten the Yankees WITHOUT any more money.

1. Had better pitching.
If the Red Sox didn't spend all of their money on their offensive players, and used some of it towards pitching it's possible they could've won with DECENT pitching. Throughout the season the Red Sox had ONE pitcher that guaranteed them a quality start every time he went out. They didn't have any other pitchers that could regularly play well. And also, when Pedro did pitch well, their bullpen would lose then game. If they had gotten another mediocre starter and told their bullpen to pitch well in the regular season (more on this later), they could've ended up in first in the AL East, thus giving them homefield advantage.

2. Ask their batters not to choke in the playoffs
During the season, Bostons hitting was better than the Yankees. But once they hit the ALCS, the main hitters mysteriously started to suck. Nomar didn't get any hits until the 6th game, Ortiz had that one HR in Game one or something, and Manny was batting pretty poorly. They had to rely on Trot Nixon to keep them in every game. You have to perform in the regular season and the postseason to do well here.

3. Tell their manager not to be incredibly stupid
I'll admit Grady Little managed well, UNTIL the 8th inning of the 7th game. With two runners in scoring position, up 5-3 and Pedro clearly being shelled pitch after pitch, Little approachs his Ace pitcher on the mound and asks Pedro if he wants to pitch. Asking your ace pitcher if he wants to pitch in a clutch spot is like asking a teenage boy if he wants to play video games. The answer is going to be "yes". Instead of going to the bullpen which was stellar in the postseason, oddly enough, he sticks with his best pitcher who HAS NOT played well in the playoffs. The next batter, Jorge Posada, hits a two run double tying the game. THEN Little goes to his bullpen which finishes off the inning without anymore hits.

If the Red Sox had done those 3 things last season, they would've won. So shut it Red Sox fans. If you want your team to have more money, do what the rest of us do. BUY STUFF FROM THEM. (0) comments

Monday, October 20, 2003

Sorry about the lack of posts. 

My internet was down all weekend and I'm forced to write this during my study hall. I've been getting some heat from people who didn't like my "Rappers Have It Easy" post (no I haven't). And I'm going to stick by it. If you really read it, and think about it, you'll see. And I'm not saying all rappers do that stuff, but some do. You can clearly tell that I care a lot about my music. I've been reading Andrew's livejournal page (www.livejournal/~juniortrain.com) and he's been writing about Hendrix being the greatest guitarist ever. So that's prompted me to tell you about some really good guitar songs. So I'll list some for you:
Little Wing - Jimi Hendrix
Couldn't Stand the Weather - Stevie Ray Vaughan
Stairway to Heaven - Led Zeppelin

There's a good start. Feel free to comment on this, but be wary. Pick a fight with me and I will take you down. Peace! (0) comments

Thursday, October 16, 2003

"Boston Sucks!"? 

Yeah, so, yesterday I was watching the ten o'clock news when I saw a feature about the world series and baseball and whatever the hell is going on right now. And they showed some fans outside waving around their shirts and showing stuff they'd written on their bloated, reddish stomachs.

One man's chest stated in large Sharpie-blackened letters, "Boston sucks!" or the like. Well, that seems rude. I mean sure, you can hate the team, but do you have to hate their whole city as well? Wouldn't it be "the Red Sox suck!" or something? I think it would all fit on his stomach if he stretched his flab a little. And now here's the really annoying part; I mean, this just shows how stupid some people are. He wrote "Boston sucks!" when the clear pun would be something such as "Red sucks" or, if you prefer "Red Sux". There are many options, but I know no self-respecting feminist, baseball fan, Nazi, Canadian, or me would pass up a good pun when he sees one, eh? So seriously folks, if you're from New York and you want to get drunk and scribble all over your features, have one of your sober friends think of something clever to write before you go embarassing yourself in front of Katie Tong.


If you have ANYTHING to tell me, do it: okayeahwhatever@yahoo.com. (0) comments

It's my Birthday tomorrow 

For those of you who don't know, my birthday is tomorrow. If you really love me, send me presents/money. If you really really really love me, come and visit. If you really really really really really love me and are a girl, come down and make out with me. That would rock so much. I really don't have much to say right now except for those things. Except that I really want the Yankees to win tonight, otherwise I'll be pissed on my birthday and that would be no fun. Plus I bet my new enemy (Ben Huebescher, a senior who's a Sox fan and was one of my seniors for Senior Appreciation day and made me wear Red Sox crap all day) I bet him 10 bucks the Yankees would win. He offered me the bet and I showed confidence in my team! If I lose though I expect all true Yankee fans to send me down money to pay him

You suckas better do that. Peace, go Yankees! (0) comments

Wednesday, October 15, 2003

Destiny's Children 

And I'm talking of course, about Charlie's Angels.

So, I heard the special unrated version of Charlie's Angels: Full Throttle is coming out on DVD on October 21. I wonder what that's going to be like. Unrated. So, I didn't see Charlie's Angels: Joy Stick Inuendo when it came out in theaters, so I'll have to ask you all: was the movie pushing the edges of its PG-13 rating? You think they shot topless scenes filled with curses and decapitations and then they said to themselves, "You know... this might not be so good with 10-year-olds like Mikey's sister," and then they're like, "Yeah... we better cut this out. For Mikey's sister." And then Tim is like, "Crispin Glover is my hero! I want to be a scary thin man when I grow up!" Or whatever they called him.

But, you know. That would be hot. Wouldn't it? if the unrated version of the DVD actually contained all this X-rated action, even though there was no chance of it getting into the theaters. I would construct a somewhat offensive porno scene with the characters and maybe Bosley, but I don't know any of their names, so you're all in luck. Except for Jeremy. Poor guy. Let's just say that the weird car washing scene from the commercials and I assume, also from the movie might have had a little extra shot that they maybe cut out to keep their rating. Well, see ya.


If you have ANYTHING to tell me, do it: okayeahwhatever@yahoo.com. (0) comments

Rappers have it easy 

I've been comparing rap and rock for a while now (I know I'm a loser) and I've noticed that rap songs are OVERALL less intelligent (that means not all songs are bad). For example, I hate to do this since I like this song, P.I.M.P with 50 Cent and Snoop Dogg. In the first two lines of the chorus, they rhyme 'me' with 'me' (I don't know what ya heard about ME, but you can't get a dollar outta ME). I mean, if that happened anywhere in a rock song, it would've been uproar. Heads would roll! I'm sure there are countless other rap songs that do that. I dare you to find one rock song which rhymes the same word.

Also, rappers can be incredibly profane without many people caring. Wanna know why? Because rock 'n' roll made that possible. There are many drug, and sexual references in songs. There area also many songs about sex and drugs. Take a look at all of Meatloaf's songs. Paradise by the Dashboard Light for example. There's even a segment in the song with a baseball announcer announcing a guy "rounding the bases". Eric Clapton wrote a song entitled "Cocaine." There's a song called "Horse with No Name", which is a huge reference to heroine. Where do you think the phrase 'Sex Drugs and Rock and Roll' came from? And people were all over this! A majority of parents were anti-rock due to all of this. Yet the bands played on!

Nowadays rappers can talk about sex, drugs, violence, prostitution, and write a whole song based around the swears they want to use. And only the most militant of mothers groups care to lift a finger. Only rappers like Eminem get widespread outroar (but that's only because he talks about sawing off his mom's breasts, shooting her multiple times, roasting her corpse on a spit, and feeding her flesh to his parents because for some reason he hates them.)

Also, rappers can have songs where there's the same baseline the whole song, and the same harmony the whole song. Rock songs are a lot more musically complex, which is why they kick ass! There are no solos in rap, no actual instruments. It's just a synthesizer set to repeat until hell freezes over. Often I find myself getting lost in a rap song because I can't hear any music changing. It gets incredibly boring sometimes.

So in conclusion, rappers get away with boring ass music and repeating rhymes. Also, they don't get the controversey the rock 'n' rollers had to go through to let them be able to do it. The Kings of Rock deserve more props from the rappers. And someone need to tell them to spend more than 5 minutes when writing their lyrics and think of something else to rhyme me with.

To those who are about to rock, I salute you. (0) comments

Tuesday, October 14, 2003

This will make you feel sad 

I learned from the radio yesterday that the second Anakin Skywalker was born this year. Isn't that just incredibly sad? Imagine how much suffering these parents have caused for their children. Throughout this kids' schooling he's going to be constantly tortured because of his name. In high school he'll be tortured, beat up and girls will shun him and laugh at him.

Until he dies that will happen to him. He'll never marry, never have kids, and probably will never be kissed. Unless he changes his name, but then he'll be emotionally scarred from all of the shit that happened to him in school. I pity him with all my heart and soul and hope his parents are punished for the torrent of pain they are about to release unto their son. They'll soon realize their mistake, but too late! They screwed him for life. So new born Anakin Skywalker, cherish your years as an infant, it will be the last time you will experience peace in the world. (0) comments

I hope I never get old. 

Someone's grandmother is in my house! In fact, my grandmother is. My grandpa just died, but withhold your sorriness; I didn't really know him and I feel little grief, nor am I repressing grief. Really. I didn't really like him. He never gave me anything cool.

So, my grandma's here to hang out with various people and my mom and stuff... and it just reminded me: I never want to get old. I hope someone strikes me down before I'm 85. That's long enough. I swear. In fact if I'm still alive at the time, I'll auction off my life so the highest bidder gets to snuff me out. The money would go to my children, or if not to my children, some sort of charity or something. Old people make me sad. They serve no useful purpose. Unless they bake or bestow wisdom on people, they're useless. They take up a lot of space and waste a lot of tax dollars on their executive decisions and running the United States. They also lower the average attractiveness value of humanity. They have wrinkles and they're hard to speak to because they have hearing problems, and you're afraid to say something that will offend them and then they'll keel over. See? Old people are a nuisance. And don't even get me started with crazy old people. They get on our trains and buses, and say stuff, and sometimes they stand near you. Sometimes they mutter stuff. I'm going.


If you have ANYTHING to tell me, do it: okayeahwhatever@yahoo.com. (0) comments

The subjunctive conjugations of French verbs don't stand a chance against my mad skeelz 

I just felt like typing it, it's funny! I'll write a real thing soon. (0) comments

Monday, October 13, 2003

Bush to World: "I'm addicted to stupid" 

WASHINGTON D.C. In a press conference today George Bush admitted that he was addicted to stupid.

"Since I was little I've been addicted to stupid. You could probably tell by my decision to pour all of the tax money into the military, get us stuck in Iraq, and give the rest of our money to my rich friends," Bush said.

Bush then continued, "Since Rush (Limbaugh) admitted that he was addicted to pain killers I decided it was a good time to admit that I am addicted to stupid."

Donald Rumsfeld then ran on the stage, pushed Bush away from the podium and said "The President does not mean what he's saying. It's all a big joke! A joke!"

Rush Limbaugh then concluded the press conference by blaming Clinton.
(0) comments


I'm in study hall right now and I did all of my hw so I've got nothing much to do. So I'll just rattle off a few things. The CD Best of Bowie is wicked awesome. Go buy it. It's worth all of the money. Also Experience Hendrix is also really great. Go buy it. You really should buy it.

The Red Sox are pissing me off a lot. Pedro Martinez is a jerk without a brain and Manny Ramirez is a pretentious asshole. They all suck. I hate them, you should too. The Red Sox also suck. That's why they're called the Red Sux, because the suck. Really badly. It almost makes me feel sorry for their fans. Almost.

So yeah, nothing has happened so far, that's because I've only had Biology. Oh I brought in a 3 by 5 foot Yankee flag. I gave it to Mr. H. for him to put up. He got this large grin and said "We don't need this, we've got the curse." I said "It's for decoration." Then he said "Thanks."

"I feel a wreck without my, little China Girl"
-David Bowie

Later folks. (0) comments

Sunday, October 12, 2003

I've decided to start telling you about my day 

A lot of funny things happen during my school days, so I've decided to tell you guys about what happens there. First I need to give you some background information about my teachers and friends here. So this will just be informative (and funny).

Biology: Ms. Velda King: Ms. King is really cool. She used to be a scientist but now she teaches. What's great is that she's a really light teacher and it's HARD to make a bad grade in her class. On the days before tests she pairs us into groups and as review, ASKS US QUESTIONS FROM THE TEST. So someone from your team can just copy it down and e-mail out the test questions. ANd she doesn't mind. Her class is always 1st period for me, and is usually just lectures. So I just type down notes and wake up, while not having to do much.

History: Dr. Julie Elb: Dr. Elb is pretty cool. She's not incredibly easy but not incredibly hard. She's a bit like Ms. Weidner for those of you who had her. Her tests are multiple choice and essay. She's a pretty good teacher.

English: Ms. Ginger Reese: My mother describes Ms. Reese as a "pip". She's pretty ecstatic most of the time and her lectures are always interesting. During her lectures she breaks off into stories involving what we're talking about. She's a bit like Ms. Seddon (no british accent) and reads us excerpts from many books (including Chris Rock books). She's a really good English teacher and her class is generally fun. However we do get a lot of quizzes. But it's not all terrible.

French: Ms. Marcia Planchon: Ms. Planchon is really strange in one regard. When she speaks English, she has a strong Souther accent. But when she speaks French, there's no Southern accent at all. It's really really weird. She's an okay teacher except she teaches straight out of the book (Like Mr. Lord). No nothing else. Everything is from the book, the tests, the HW, the reading, all book. Otherwise it's not that bad.

Spanish: Ms. Mavis Negroni: Ms. Negroni is a great teacher. She's really supportive, doesn't get pissed often, and has a great accent. She teachs some from the book but some her own material. So yeah, she's a really good teacher.

Geometry: Mr. Bob Hagemann: Mr. H (what he's called) is the coolest teacher you'll never have. First he's a die-hard Yankee fan. One time he didn't give us HW so he wouldn't have to grade any of it the next night when the Yanks had a playoff game (that rocked). Second he's the best math teacher I've ever had. He teaches us things by having us do it, which makes you learn it better. Also his classes are always really funny. He has all of these funny things he does. Like when you say something that might be right or might be wrong he smiles and points at you while nodding his head and suddenly changes his face to a "you're wrong" face and says loudly 'no!'. If you don't think it's funny that's okay, you kind of need to actually see it. So anyway Mr. H rules.

So that's all of my teachers. I'll talk about my friends once I start talking about school. Later. (0) comments

The Apeman Cometh 

Olah, amigos. I know it's been a while since I rapped at you, but here goes.

I've just been watching Tarzan today. They showed a repeat of the first episode at five on Easy-view, or as I call it, Easy-bake, (and now that I think about it, you could easily get baked, you know, like with marijuana just by watching this show) and they showed the second episode at 9:00 today (Sunday).

So, anyway, let's get on with this review-esque issue of "Stuff!". Heh. Stuff.

First, the plot. The plot is somewhat senseless and vastly confusing. Basically, Tarzan, or "John" was on a trip with his family when he was a little kid and they crashed in the jungle. And his family was like, the owners of this really huge, fantabulous, purple hippopotumus. I mean, a giant company. So, like the the brother and sister or something of the family were left in New York and got in a big custody battle over someone's estate, which was worth 6 billion dollars. Anyway, on some sort of search mission, the brother from New York finds Tarzan in the jungle and they bring him back.

But Tarzan doesn't like that, because he likes the jungle and doesn't like being locked in a cage in his brother's office headquarters thing. So he escapes and wanders around the city until he meets the totally fabulous Jane.

When I first saw Jane, I knew she was a city girl, and a cop too. She has brown hair and she's pretty attractive, but her younger sister that lives with her is hot. But I knew Jane would be the one to meet Tarzan and stuff. Because that's her name, Jane. Her younger sister Nikki is hot though. So... that's a shame.

Anyway, Jane somehow sees Tarzan at some point in her cop duties and chases him on the rooftops in a scene that pissed me off because it looked so much like the Trinity chase scene at the beginning of The Matrix. Anyway, she catches up to him just in time to see him being tranqued and helicoptered away to that brother guy's place.

So.. he escapes again and finds her because she is pretty attractive, as I mentioned. Then he finds her sister. Because she is pretty hot. Actually, he doesn't. He meets Jane and introduces himself and explains his past. But they screwed everything up. Then a lot of really confusing and irritating and irrelevant stuff happens and the world pisses its pants in excitement.

1. Tarzan speaks perfect English, even after being lost in the jungle for 20 years.
2. Jane isn't English, like she should be, and neither are any of the other characters hanging around in New York.
3. It's very confusing. Nothing makes much sense.
4. Not enough sex. Not enough younger sister.
5. They should not have made me look at Tarzan's bare, well-developed torso as he pranced around kicking people's asses, even for the first ten minutes of the first episode. It gave me feelings that were frightening and confusing.

Also, the acting isn't that great. Tarzan doesn't act that well. They probably picked him based on his looks and gymnastics ability. And that brings me to the part of this show that kicks my ass.

The fight coreography blew me away. It's pretty much based on Capoeira-style fighting, which is a martial art from Brazil. Or if you need something that you're more familiar with, break-dancing. Or, you know Tekken? That guy, Eddy. But way cooler. He jumps all around the place, doing these cool rolls and throws, instead of just punching and kicking people. He has this whole monkey-style of fighting, lunging around on his hands and jumping up and kicking people while his hands are still on the ground. Fantastic. Mwah! God, it's cool. Too bad the rest of the show is fairly lameaholic.

What else... oh! Lucy Lawless is in the show. Remember Xena? Xena is back, in New Yorker form. Yeah, she plays the sister, that's the other one that wants money or whatever from Tarzan. It's funny though. She doesn't look anything at all like Xena. She looks pretty normal and not at all Amazonian. Man, I could hardly imagine this ordinary-looking business type be such a success with straight men and gay women.

Anyway, I've run out of stuff to say. In summation, don't watch the show unless you want to look at the cool fighting. I hope the length of this episode has helped make up for the infrequency of episodes from me this week.


If you have ANYTHING to tell me, do it: okayeahwhatever@yahoo.com. (0) comments

How to never buy shampoo or soap again 

If you've been to a hotel or even a motel, you've noticed that they give you free soap and shampoo in your room. This is how you can say good bye to your shampoo and soap exspenses for the rest of your life:

1. If you're staying for one night, don't shower and keep the stuff. You can also ask the housekeepers for some extra soap and shampoo. They'll just give it to you.

2. If you're staying for multiple nights, start using the soap and shampoo. The next night they'll give you more. Put the extra stuff in your bag and the third night they'll give you some more. And you can also ask them for more. They'll just give it to you.

Good. You're set for life. You've saved yourself many many dollars that can now be used towards video games or that Rolling Stones CD you've been dying for. Oh and one side note. This method is only for people who don't care what odor their soap and shampoo emit, as long as it smells good. If you only like to smell like "Fresh Morning" or "Dandelion Watermelon" this will just be a joke to you. Go forth and use this method for the greater good! (0) comments

New Orleans is Jeremy's kind of town! 

First off, wave your hands in the air if you've been to New Orleans! (shout out if you can't wave your hands in the air). So anyway, um oh yeah the thesis. New Orleans is Jeremy's kind of town! If you've ever been to the French Quarter of New Orleans you know exactly what I mean. But I assume none of you have, so I'll have to do it for you.

The main street of New Orleans is called Bourbon street. Exactly! Like the hard liqour, you're correct! So you can only freaking imagine what's on this street. Sex drugs and Cajun music. Every block has about 3 strip clubs 5 restaruants and 9 bars. As my mom said it's a real guys town. On other blocks there are nice stores and stuff but you can't escape the bars and strip clubs. So I mean that's the story. I can honestly say that I really didn't care that much for Bourbon Street but I'm going to brag about it! Ha ha! That was fun. Now shout out to it, suckas! And Jeremy, I'll give you this. It's not just your kind of town it's all of the males in the world, kind of town. It's not just your kind of town, so don't shout out saying something like that. Bye now. (0) comments

Prepare to read 

Hey hey hey boys and girls I just got back from my 7 day trip to the Mississippi Gulf Coast and New Orleans and I have many stories to tell! I need to get them all down on paper so I can use the brain cells they're taking up for memorizing the new Ludacris CD.
So anyway. I'm going to start writing many stories. I'll start in the next one because this one is like an introductory thing. And lastly, how about them Yankees? Yee-haw! Yankees rule! I hate the Red Sox more than I hate George Bush, Bill O'Reilly and Sean Hannity. Bye. (0) comments

Tuesday, October 07, 2003

Shout Outs? 

This is really short, but our Shout Out thing seems to be down. I would work on fixing it more, but I'm swamped with homework today. See you later.


If you have ANYTHING to tell me, do it: okayeahwhatever@yahoo.com. (0) comments

Monday, October 06, 2003

Shoot Outs! 

Okay, I meant "Shout Outs", but I thought the former title might catch your eye. Anyway, here's my point: you guys suck. I give you whining and verbal abuse, and what do you give me? Nothing! All I ask is for a couple people to pick up there mouse and give a Shout Out every once in a while. Is that too much to ask? Fine. Whatever. I hate you. Go away.


If you have ANYTHING to tell me, do it: okayeahwhatever@yahoo.com. (0) comments

Saturday, October 04, 2003

One Issue 

Tomorrow on Sunday I'm leaving for a vacation to Gulfport Mississippi and New Orleans. I won't be back until Saturday so you're going to have to listen to Nicky for a week. I won't be here to keep him in line. Sorry. Well have a nice week and I'll tell you about my wild escapades in the casino in Mississippi. (You have to be 15 to go to a casino in Mississippi but my birthday's on the 17th; I'll be able to get in.) (0) comments


Here I am, trying to do homework while I listen to music. Let me just tell you something: it is not easy to write about baseball motifs while listening to Iron Maiden.

ME: Hmm... (typing)
ME: Shit! What the fuck?! What? Shit... no more crack for me. And no more Iron Maiden.

That's right. Back to Phantom Planet and Radiohead, to groups so wussy that they could but a tornado to sleep. But I like them anyway.


If you have ANYTHING to tell me, do it: okayeahwhatever@yahoo.com. (0) comments

Friday, October 03, 2003

Joe Millionaire 2: Hohn, hohn, hohn 

Well, earlier in the history of my blog I wrote a segment (OH yeah, they're "segments" now) about Joe Millionaire 2, asking how in the world anyone could be tricked into doing the desparate for money and love thing after the show's been over for months. I mean, "come on!" I exclaimed, "some women will all go, 'what the fuck is a Joe Millionaire?' and then they'll be up for round two."

Well. Well.

Well. Now we know.

Okay, here's the deal: It's "Joe Millionaire goes Hawaii", you know, except Europe. They invent some new Joe Millionaire (who's blond...oog) and say he's worth 80 million dollars because, obviously, 50 million dollars isn't worth what it was last year. So, anyway, they send him to France, or Luxembourg, whichever one is more popular right now and they trick all these foolish French chicks into going to this guy's palatial mansion. The best part is they walk around the house topless all the time. Oh wait, that's not true. Damn. I just sort of... assumed... you know... French people.

Anyway, I'm still not sure about how this will work. It's not like France is completely cut off from America. They too have Joe Millionaire, or maybe it's like, "Jacque des millions" or something. Either way, French women are just like our women, except with very attractive accents... and sometimes nice berets. And they really like yogurt or something. At least, that's what the Yoplait commercials tell me.

Okay. You know, I just saw an episode of Boston Public, and you know what, it was bad... ass! I know, I know, who would have believed it? But it was really good. They brought up all these issues that no one talks about on network television. They had this model UN debate and the guy for Canada was arguing about the war in Iraq and stuff against the US and Germany, and then the US and Germany started punching him and stuff. And then later, they beat him really bad in the bathroom. I thought that was cool. Not the beating him up part. The part that they actually had this guy arguing against the war and using real reasons. I thought that kicked ass. Also, there was this girl who was peer tutoring this guy by having sex with this guy in exchange that he raise his grades. And it worked! Now that's effective tutoring! Now, I don't know if Boston Public is often good or I just saw an isolated episode, but my respect for it is innumerably higher. Anyway, I'm going to stop talking now. Bye now.


If you have anything to tell me, do it: okayeahwhatever@yahoo.com. (0) comments

Thursday, October 02, 2003


I kick ass... so how come they always insist that they don't like me "that way"? Anyway, I'm working on a Flash movie, and by working, I mean I'm thinking of witty one-liners while waiting for my dad to get me a drawing tablet and wishing that I was capable of using Flash. So basically, I'm thinking of witty one-liners, which is what I do every second of the day anyway, even while I'm asleep. Like last night, I had a dream I was eating a giant pillow, and when I woke up, I found my huge marshmallow was gone.

Oh, while I'm talking about... whatever it is I'm always talking about, I figure I should advertise for Tomorrow's Nobodies, which is hilarious (at least after the first episode) and kicks everyone's ass. That's right... even yours. And yours. And mine, even. And as for you, over there, well maybe it would slap your ass, but I'm not going to talk about that anymore. Anyway, it's on Newgrounds.com and I have a link up for it. If you haven't been there already, it is because you are in fact, not a man. If I were you, I'd be checking for vestigal tails and such.

I'm also getting a band together, and by that I mean talking to people that are already in bands and fantasizing that they are in my band instead. Then I fantasize about this girl I know. But that's beside the point.

Also, "It's All Relative", the new sitcom on ABC about the girl with the gay parents that marries the son of a bigotted bartender and his wife, sucks, even though my uncle's house is in it in some shot. I'm not really sure where it appears because I don't know what it looks like, but they got 1000 dollars out of it so that's not bad. You know what show doesn't suck? Andy Richter Controls the Universe. Go watch that instead. Oh, wait, FOX canceled it because they are morons that don't know what it means to be cool any more. FOX used to be the cool, controversial upstart channel for the younger generation, just like MARVEL comics, except now FOX sucks and MARVEL has suddenly found an audience willing to pay hundreds of millions of dollars to see their movies, regardless of whether they suck. You know, I'm getting worried about MARVEL. X-MEN one and two were pretty good, and I liked Spider-Man, but Daredevil sucked a lot of unusual things and I've heard that The Hulk had no value except for when it influenced a dream I had last weekend. And I'm pretty sure that I was drawing most of my dream enjoyment from a review of the American version of Godzilla that I read when it came out in 1998. Anyway, my point about the MARVEL movies is they haven't released enough really good comic-based movies. If the Punisher isn't any good, they'll have broken even and after that they risk going into negative territory. If MARVEL makes too many bad comic book movies, the comic book movie bubble could burst, and only my mom would be happy about that.

Right. I'm done now. And if you're a Laguardia kid and like doing Flash or like making music, send me a shoutout or an email. Bye.

If you have anything to tell me, do it: okayeahwhatever@yahoo.com. (0) comments

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