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Sunday, October 26, 2003

Black Knight: The Review 

Okay, here's the basic plot. Martin Lawrence (Jamal) is working at a place called Castle World which is like a medieval theme park. While he's working, he notices a necklace (bling bling) which has an emblem on it in the nasty moat with a stroller in it. He tries to reach in and get it, but he falls in. He wakes up in a lake and is rescued by a hobo wearing medieval attire. Jamal assumes that he's still at Castle World. He then goes to the main castle (after walking through the peasant village) and still thinks he's at Castle World. Then he bluffs his way into the actual castle by claiming to be a messenger from Normandy. This whole time he's speaking in ebonics. So he sees the king, and still thinks he's in the present day (what the fuck?). So I think eventually he realises he's in medieval times.

LOng story short he leads a rebellion against the evil king and restores the kingdom of England to the Queen. There's a lot of messed up shit throughout the whole movie. ANd lots of impossible stuff. THere's also a romatic interest. But as he's being knighted, he is being recussitated by one of those heart jumpers. He next sees that he's in Castle World (What the fuck?). So six weeks later (according to the movie) Castle World looks really nice and stuff and is very popular. THen, at the very end, Jamal trips and falls into the moat. When he wakes up, he's in the Roman Colosseum and you hear someone say 'release the lions' and he starts running. Then it ends. (WHAT THE FUCK???)

Let's see. This movie had some incredibly screwed up aspects. Such as it took Jamal until like the end of the movie to realise he was in the Middle Ages. Then he falls into the moat and goes to Rome. I spent a lot of the movie marvelling in his constant use of ghetto slang and in confusion. But it had amusing points that you should see just because it's so stupid and misplaced. If you get HBO and you're bored, watch the movie. Why not? It wasn't as bad as the Banger Sisters.


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