
Come for the lesbians, stay for the blog!

Wednesday, June 30, 2004

Spider-Man, Spider-Man... 

Does whatever a spider can. Spins a web, any size, holy SHIT, what was that? Oh God, look at that Spider-Man. Spider-Man, kick Doctor Octopus's ass, oh shit, he just knocked you off a building, Spider-Man, use your fucking web! Spider-Man, Spider-Man, how are you going to stop that speeding training, Spidey, don't forget about Mary Jane! Who is... being held hostage... again.

Anway, I saw Spider-Man 2 today. Maybe you guys have read some rave reviews lately, whatever. Now, let's listen to my opinion.

It was cool! Yeah. I don't tend to gush over movies, and this is no exception, but I'll tell you all, it was good! The acting was quite nice, the story was comprehensible, and the action scene, tremendous! Dude, like, remember that part where Doctor Octopus totally...! Oh, I guess you haven't scene it yet.

Spider-Man is the coolest.I mean, Bat-Man is left in the freakin' dust. He's all like, "I shall shoot you... with my Batarang. Now I will... punch and kick you!"

And I LIKE Bat-Man. Sort of. Yeah, he's pretty cool.

Dr. Octopus is the shit, like the coolest superhero movie villain so far. Or at least this best comic-to-screen transition. He's actually much cooler here than in the movie. His big ol' arms are like, Rargh!

The fight scenes were so cool, I often found myself laughing at all the cool and inventive stuff that they were doing. Like, "Dude did he just... DUDE!"

And there is some wicked funny stuff in the game. I mean, movie. What the hell was that? Movie. That's not commentary on the movie, just a typo that I decided to leave in. Makes it more like I'm talking. And that's always a good thing. No, but there's some funny stuff.

In fact, the first half of the movie is kind of like a running joke. Because poor Peter Parker just can't get a break! Ho ho! People keep taking the last hors d'ouvre at the party he goes to, he gets fired, he's failing his classes, he can't pay his rent, the bank is foreclosing on his aunt's house, and Mary Jane is going to marry an astronaut. God. I don't know if it was meant to be funny, but I know I laughed! A reviewer aptly said, "You could almost call this one SPIDER-MAN 2: PETER GETS KICKED IN THE JUNK, and you'd have a pretty good idea of what to expect." Well said, my brethren. You shall be champion.

Whoo, slightly punk girl! Sorry, watching Josie and the Pussy Cats on WB. It's not, you know, good, but it's not terrible like the New York Times said. It's okay. It's got some vaguely amusing stuff. I kind of like some of the music. It scares me. I think I have some sort of weakness for corporate rock. So... catchy! GYYYUUUUUHHH!

So, in conclusion, Spider-Man 2 is a tasty summer treat, Josie and the Pussy Cats is determined to eat my soul with it's catchy, inoffensive rock. Curses!

Nikolai Nichollus Nickolechnikov

MY E-MAIL! Okayeahwhatever@yahoo.com.
AIM: Jake Aimer (4) comments

Tuesday, June 29, 2004

"granny's erotic stories"? No. No! NO! That is NOT a suitable way by which to find my website! 

(0) comments

Monday, June 28, 2004

Spidomon, I choose YOU! 

Hola amigos, I know it's been a while since I rapped at you.

Deal with it.

I haven't really felt like writing that much lately, but that comes and goes, as you may know by now. I think this may be my body's and mind's way of releasing me from the blog so I can go to Europe on July 8th and not worry about it too much for the next five weeks. You know, takes the sting out a little. You guys, I don't know what you guys will do. I would suggest looking into web comics if you get bored:


These are just a few of the many comics by which I determine what day it is. They are quite excellent.

And of course there's Maddox.Xmission.com, the home of the internet's second most colorful character on the internet. Wink, wink. But that's already up there on my front page with some other quality such and such, so that shouldn't be a problem.

Oh, right, the TITLE! Of the post. It was for a reason. See, Spider-Man 2, a sort of gala event for the nerds of the world, is out on Wednesday, but the New York Times review is out TODAY! Which means, I already read it:


Now, if you don't want to read it (foolish enfants!) basically the reviewer says that it's really quite good, better than the first, except the action sequences are the weakest part of the movie. He states that the director, Sam Raimi doesn't have an instinct for CGI action scenes, but I thought that stuff in the first Spider-Man was fantastic and additionally, awesome, so what does he know. Stupid head.

And here I am, still haven't seen Harry Potter. And I wanted to see the Dodgeball movie, although that would surely make a fine rental. Or is it one of those, "You really have to be there to witness the Xtreme dodgeball action!" kind of things? No it's not. That's my point.

I might not write again for a long time, as I shall be departing within one week. On the other hand there is a chance I will fire off another post before I blast of to Italy. I'll keep a journal, similar to that of which I brought home from Mexico. And I know you liked that one. Except I'll be gone FIVE WEEKS. I'll probably either have to condense my little story for you guys in a fashion that is simultaneously mad, extreme, and to the max, or bite the bullet and tell it over an extended period of time. Or maybe it won't be very interesting and I'll forget the whole thing.

That's why I'm so mysterious: you never know WHAT I'm going to do, or where my body is going to turn up!

MY E-MAIL! Okayeahwhatever@yahoo.com.
AIM: Jake Aimer (0) comments

Tuesday, June 22, 2004

Keira Knightley. And she shall be my bride! 

(1) comments

What? Who the hell found my website by searching for "emma watson blossomed breasts"? That's not decent! 

(1) comments


What is this shit? I'm watching "Last Comic Standing", and I'm like, "Come on: aren't you people supposed to be funny?" I mean their stand up bits can be good sometimes, fine. But I mean, aren't comedians supposed to be naturally funny? I'm not saying they always have to be on, but I sure haven't seen these people be funny as people instead of as comedians. It's all fucking drama when they're doing those in-front-of-the-camera things. "So and so is going down." Or when they're strategizing together. "If you want to take him down, you take out his people. Here's an old mafia trick: you kill his friends, his family. And he knows you're coming after him."

What kind of talk is that? That's not even civil. You do not compare voting someone off a TV show to mafia terror tactics. Or do you?

Oh man, I should be on this TV show. I would rock everyone's fucking universe. They'd be all like, "You're a dick!" except it would be bleeped so it sounded like "You're a d-BLEEP-ck" Because no one's gonna crack THAT code. Anyway, they'd call me a dick, I'd be like, "Oh yeah? You're a dickFORE!" And they'd be all, "What's a dickfore?" And I'd be like, "Oh! Fake you out fake you out! Where am I where am I? Where'm'I gonna be?" I'd be all motioning with my arms and shit, so they couldn't get a shot at my face. Chah chah! Zhip! Zhip!

And I would win their love.

Maybe my plan needs some work... or DOES it? That's why I'm so mysterious: statements that can mean two completely different things depending on whether or not I'm lying.


Oh Tammy, you a bitch!

MY E-MAIL! Okayeahwhatever@yahoo.com
AIM: Jake Aimer (1) comments

Gah! Inspirational void! 

Nothing much clever to say... again. I'll be back in a good way some time, and then you'll know it, and you will sing and throw parties, and drink, make merry, and eat from the fruit of the nectarine. Because that is some sort of orange-like fruit. It's like, irony.

So, I'm watching "The Next Action Star" on TV. It wins! You win, okay, Next Action Star? You are the only Reality Show I kind of like. But that's probably because I'm all drama-y and all, what with the school and such. Not only do I like acting, but I like watching people pretend to cry whilst little pyrotechnic sparks explode around them. Fantasmasprokulous! I don't care that much about the internal drama, that is, the histrionics that occur between the foolish mortals partaking in these exercises in "acting". Ha ha, fools! Oh shit, I wish I were doing this.


Still, it's pretty cool. It's going to kick ass when they try to do Matrix ripoff tricks and one of them hurts their back, and then all the women are crying and the guys are like, "This is always hard. When this happens. It's all fun and games until someone's acrobatic harness gets a little too tight."

Nah, they aren't really that articulated. Some people got voted off, but I didn't care because I don't know their names. All suffering is equal in my eyes.

I want to star in a major motion picture! They could call it "Nicky's Erotic Adventures". Or, if it's not a porno, they could call it something else! I'm really not that picky.

Wow, I just saw an ad for the Greek Olympics or whatever it's called. I guess they're in Athens. Anyway they showed footage from last time with the American girls doing gymnastics, and I saw this girl do this hella cool move where she did this... why am I telling you this? You don't care.

My Wolfenstein skills seem to have been rendered effectively null. Can not kill! I aim for the head, and yet the head eludes me. Mighty head, why must you be such a tiny target?

Okay, Last Comic Standing is pretty cool too. Fine. I like action movies and I like comedy, but that's IT! Otherwise I denounce reality television! I denounce it until it can take no more denunciation! And when it has died, we shall sing a requiem for the reality television and then Tito Puente shall sing an upbeat song and we shall dance. I don't know what he does. Does he sing? I don't know.

Okay, yesterday I read the entirety of "Scary Go Round", a frequently brilliant—ha ha! That man is gay! Sorry, I'm watching TV...—web comic. It's BRITISH! That means it's funny. I didn't learn much about British culture from it though, even though I read more than two year's worth of comics. I did learn that "tupping" is a frequently used expletive over there. I wonder when they'll discover OUR equivalent of that word. Ho ho! The British are not like us.

Today I read the entirety of "Questionable Content", another webcomic—sleeping with a golf club because he's afraid of the gay man! Ha ah ha HA ha! Sorry.—Where was I...? oh yes. It was a less daunting task than the previous one, because it's only three times a week, and it started in 2003.

I'm thinking of really doing a comic. I'll just give up on doing good art, or maybe just scan some stuff, whatever. I've got some interesting jokes, and I think those can help carry the art. Ha ha! A lie! Or is it? That's why I'm so mysterious... unclear speech.

Right. That was longer than I expected, with lots of life-enhancing spaces between paragraphs. We in the industry call those "page wasters". We in the business get very lonely at night. Hey, look:

MY E-MAIL! Okayeahwhatever@yahoo.com.
AIM: Jake Aimer


Nicky (0) comments

Saturday, June 19, 2004

Big 2000 post! 

Ha ha! Don't be fooled: not only is this not a big post, it's actually rather small. Basically, my hit counter reads "1999", I've got 1999 hits! And before that gets overturned, I'd like to briefly celebrate our big 2000th hit. And it truly is our hit, because where would I be without you, my loyal fans. Especially those of you who check this site as many as three times a day. I'm not a robot, people, I just don't write that often. Still, I'm flattered. I just don't feel that way about you.


MY E-MAIL! 2000!
AIM: Jake Aimer (2) comments

Thursday, June 17, 2004

Wow, "Quintuplets"! It's going to be so great when that show gets canceled! 

That pretty much says it all.

For those blissfully unaware of the massive ineptitude that is FOX's summer lineup, Quintuplets is the hot new sitcom about... quintuplets.

See, FOX has a long and miserable tradition of airing a whole bunch of shows, some of them brilliant and some of them incredibly shitty, then canceling the brilliant ones. Now, of course there are some exceptions (see: The Simpsons), but think about it. Now, you may disagree with some of these, but let's take a look: Andy Richter Controls the Universe, Firefly, um... a lot of other stuff... and of course, the inimitable Family Guy. And I have to put up with even one minute of Quintuplets?

Now, I may not be the best judge. I only saw the first minute and the last 30 seconds of tonight's season premiere. But they really sucked. I was in physical pain. And if the beginning and end sucked, I'm not going to assume that's just there style.

Bizarro World Me: You know, some people make shows... where they put all the worst material at the beginning of a show... so no one will want to watch the rest of the episode. It's a... you know... a style. It's "hip".

God, Bizarro World Nicky, you're a moron.

Bizarro World Me: And you're the sexiest thing since sliced bread.

Oh please, don't be silly!

Heh heh... that kid is all right!

Anyway, don't watch Quintuplets. It sucks. And it will take valuable air-time from FOX's smattering of good shows. Like Futurama. Oh no, wait. They CANCELED Futurama.


MY E-MAIL! Okayeahwhatever@yahoo.com.
AIM: Jake Aimer (0) comments

Monday, June 14, 2004

No school tomorrow if it snows... 

Or at all, for that matter. School is officially over for this year. Whee. I don't know... the whole day was somewhat anticlimactic. No parties, no music, no fireworks. Well, I guess I never really expected fireworks. Not that I'm sad to see this year over. It's been pretty good, it's had its problems, but it's been decent. But come on... Summer. That's cool too. I'll be heading off to Europe for a drama camp thing which I don't feel like describing now, but it's cool. I'm doing that in about a month. Well less. July 8th. So starting around then, don't expect to hear from me for the next five weeks. I'll try to keep a little journal to jot down ideas, and I'll tell you guys all about it when I get back.

Um... right. So, I'm reading this big 'ol book called "Marvel". It's big, hardcover, and it's all about the history of Marvel comics. It's filled with LOTS of big pictures too, just the way I like it. Just the way your mother likes it too.


Oh, anyway, it's awesome. What a cool book. It tells all about how the biggest characters were created and lots of crazy junk. Well written too. If you're into comics, or the characters which they portray, I would definitely give this book a look. Ha ha! That rhymed! I'm a poet, and no one even told me!

I should just quit while I'm only somewhat behind.

I got an air conditioner in my room. Whoo. Thing is, I'm not a wasteful guy, I never have been. And having been raised without an air conditioner, I feel guilty about using it, especially with electricity costing what it does these days. But how am I supposed to RESIST it? It has a REMOTE CONTROL. How am I supposed to deal with that? Huh? I can turn it on from ANYWHERE in the room! Gah! In fact, I just turned it on. I bet turning it on and off like this uses a lot of electricity! I'm so conflicted and troubled!

So, I just finally started really playing Wolfenstein's multiplayer. So far, it seems pretty good. There are four different professions you can choose: Soldier, who basically just uses weapons; Engineer, who can set and disable bombs, and fix or disable equipment; Medic, who can heal people and bring people back to life; and Lieutenant, who can give people ammo and call air strikes. So far, I've found myself enjoying work as the Medic, because I get to form a symbiotic relationship with a bigger, stronger soldier, who shoots at stuff and I throw first aid kits at him. Man those kits are good! That's pretty much my life.

Oh oh! One more thing. I must give props to my old pal Jeremy, who not only provided the name for Rex Walker, PI, but also his basic character traits. I borrowed the name as a sort of loving homage to Jeremy's Rex Walker character.

And... that's it. For now. Yeah.


MY E-MAIL! Okayeahwhatever@yahoo.com.
AIM: Jake Aimer (2) comments

Friday, June 11, 2004

Return to Castle Nazikill 

Well, my friend Vincent gave me Return to Castle Wolfenstein yesterday, because my computer can't run new games. Actually, even Wolfenstein has its stalls and slow-downs on my computer. Fucking G3 600 Mhz iBook. Not that I don't love my little baby, but it's slower than an Antarctican molasses turtle. You know... a turtle made out of molasses... the kind they've got up in Antarctica. What! You don't watch "Discovery Kids!"?

Okay! I made it up.

Anyway, Wolfenstein. I'm like, meh. You know... meh. For one, I've always had a weird, ambivalent relationship with video games. On one hand, I love them. I love to know about them, read about them, and the like. But when I actually own one, I'm never sure how much I like it. Like with a lot of games, I'm like, "Yeah, game!" And I play it for a while, and then I get fed up at some point and quit. Then, when I'm not playing, I think about how much I want to play.

It's just, I get extremely tense when I play games. Well, mainly when I'm by myself. I'm like, scared of being shot at. Of course, knowing me, it's not surprising; I'm pretty physically timid. Still, though. I'm afraid not to always have 100 health. That's why I like games like Jedi Knight II, where you can heal at any time with force powers. Some people might think that takes away all the challenge, but surviving isn't usually what I like about games, so much as I just like the actual gameplay. You know, the satisfaction of shooting people in the head, impaling them with stakes, or just plain shooting oil drums in crowded rooms.

And that brings me back to Wolfenstein. There are some things that are more fun to kill than others. Stormtroopers are fun to kill. Terrorists are fun to kill. But of course, we all know, Nazis are the best. They are the alpha and omega of things that are fun to kill. And this is not something that one comes by gradually, it is a predetermined, genetic disposition, linked to the very genes that make people like pretending to shoot things in the first place.

And I don't even know why. Rationally, I know that plenty of Nazi's probably didn't really believe in their cause and were in fact rather unhappy about all the... you know, the killing. But when I see the swastika man, rationality goes out the god-fucking-damned window.

Now that we've got Nazis out of the way, I'm going to have to mention something I'm really not into killing: monsters. I just don't like it. You know why? Monsters make me scared. Monsters make me nervous. Things that make me nervous and scared, more so than I already am while playing a first-person shooter, are not welcome. I don't like them. I don't like their sallow skin, or their oozing boils. Nor do I like their horrifying screams or phantom skulls they launch at me. I've already got the Super Undead—or "living", as they are sometimes called—to deal with, and I don't need the regular Undead on top of that. Selfish bastards can eat someone else's damn brain for once.

Commies are fun to kill too, I think. But the only time I can really recall is in Goldeneye, which is a superb game to begin with. So it might have just been that game. Generally, I'm fairly cool with the Redheads.

In conclusion, the end.


MY E-MAIL! Okayeahwhatever@yahoo.com.
AIM: Jake Aimer (1) comments

Wednesday, June 09, 2004

For Fuck's sake, Reagan. Stop wasting my airtime. 

Hey man, no disrespect for the dead or anything, but I'm sick of fucking Ronald Reagan. Not that I ever liked him in the first place. I don't know enough about him to rant about it, but I'm pretty sure he was responsible for some pretty poor decisions.

My problem right now, however, is the way his death, and all celebrity death's waste so much airtime. There I go to turn on the Simpsons and fucking Reagan is being carried around Washington D.C. in some funeral procession. I mean, fine, he was a big important guy, and you gotta have a funeral for big important celebrities, but why does anyone even want to see this shit? It's a bunch of soldiers marching slowly, and black cars driving around. I DON'T CARE.

And there's the fucking FOX guy, trying to give an actual, informative commentary on the whole affair, despite the fact that he's just a stupid grin in a nice suit. "These are members of congress. Now the body is being processioned... or something. Hey look, a dog!"

He actually did mention some dog, although the cameraman is equally responsible for focusing on a god damned fucking dog. Waste my time with this! The guy behind the camera focuses on this dog in big fountain or something, and maybe it's a SIGNIFICANT dog, maybe it's Robin Williams' dog, I DON'T KNOW, but who cares what it's doing in the fountain? The news guy is like, "And there is the dog... if it's smiling, I think you can see why."

For one, no, I can't see why. Why the hell would it be smiling? Secondly, it's a DOG. They don't SMILE. Is it smiling because Ronald Reagan is dead? Why would the newscaster want to say a thing like that? That's not a good career move.

And what's the big deal about this guy dying anyway? So, he's dead now. It's not like he was doing a whole lot before. I don't remember him speaking at any charity benefits or publishing any books. You know why? He was 93! He had Alzheimer's disease! And yeah, that's too bad, but you know, 93 fucking years old is not a bad life-span for a guy with Alzheimer's. So what are you all mourning about?

Man, I want to watch the Simpsons and eat my Lucky Charms. Waste of time.


MY E-MAIL! Okayeahwhatever@yahoo.com.
AIM: Jake Aimer (1) comments

Tuesday, June 08, 2004

What is WRONG with me? 

What the hell am I doing? Reading.... Reading books? I thought I outgrew that, but yet, I've spent over an hour just lying on the couch reading a book. And here I am, however many pages later, back up in my room with something of a headache. All over stupid book-reading.

I feel kind of like a combination of the girl from the book Matilda, and her parents. Part of me is like, "Screen! Screen good! TV! Computer! Books boring!" The other part is like, "No, books! Literature! Journey with your mind!" Well, that part is usually small, but I've encountered some good books this year, I guess.

John Irving is a fine author, responsible for The World According to Garp, the Cider House Rules (hey, you recognize THAT title!), A Prayer for Owen Meaney, and the like. Right now I'm reading The Hotel New Hampshire. And it must be good, because I'm reading it rather voraciously. Mainly, it's just interesting. That's what's so cool about Irving; his books are easy to read not because of any particular beauty in prose (although he's pretty good at that too), but because THINGS HAPPEN in his books. Entire lifetimes occur during the span of many of his books, and it's all fit into 400 or so pages. Now, take a book like Wonderboys, by Michael Chabon, which I tried to read this year. That's at least 300 pages, but it encompasses maybe, 10 years. Probably a lot less, I don't know, I couldn't finish the thing.

My point is, books are meant to tell stories of interesting things, and I think John Irving gets that. CRaZy shit happens all the time in his books, often every few pages. Terrible things happen, bizarre things happen, and happy things happen. People get abused, misused, mutilated, amputated, and generally maligned, but there's always some kind of point. Sometimes the point is just that life is, itself absurd. Makes sense to me.

Only problem is, I have homework to do now. Okay, okay, bye. Oh, by the way, you should look into The World According to Garp or The Cider House Rules. Those are two excellent books.


MY E-MAIL! Okayeahwhatever@yahoo.com.
AIM: Jake Aimer (0) comments

Monday, June 07, 2004

Castlevania IV... what a piece of shit. 

So, I haven't played any good games on my Mac for what seems like a very long time, and I decided to download a Super Nintendo game or two to hold me over until I can get something a little newer. I just saw someone mention the Castlevania series, so I thought that might be a good place to start.

I looked around on the internet to see which games in the series were on the Super Nintendo, so I could play them with the emulator on my computer. Castlevania IV came up, and I found it pretty easily.

Now, I probably don't like this game because I just started and I haven't gotten to anything interesting. Or maybe it's because I've never liked the shitty genre that is called "action platformer" or something. I just don't get the game, or how it could become so popular; how the series could become so popular. You walk around at a (in this case) very slow rate, waiting for stupid monsters to wander at you. When you see one, you whip. Yes, you whip it. In fact, you must whip it. As they say, "When a skeleton comes a long, you must whip it. When a floating ponies head charges you, you must whip it."

Honestly, one of the enemies I fought was the disembodied head and neck of a horse. Who's idea was that?

But in all fairness sake, as I said, I really don't like the genre. I just keep trying to find one of the games that I'll like. I mean, I didn't even like Metroid, so I probably am just not into that kind of game. I've never really been that much of a platform man anyway, and without any interesting graphics, I see no point in continuing.

So, when I feel inspired to write an actual interesting post, I'll let you know.


MY E-MAIL! Okayeahwhatever@yahoo.com.
AIM: Jake Aimer (0) comments

Sunday, June 06, 2004

Short, short, short short short. 

This is another short post... I've reached another one of the periodic low points that occurs between spurts of destructive creativity. So, I've got two new drawings up over at Deviant Art.

They are:


Both pictures are of one of my two main cartoon characters, who would interact more often if only I had the skill to portray such an action.

The first picture took me several more hours than the first (meaning it took actual, entire hours to make these), but I like some of the things in it more than the other. They both have their moments. Everything is more subtle in the first picture (shading, color, etc.) than in the second, but the proportions in the second are slightly better and the head is closer to what I usually draw on paper. However, I think the head on the second one is too large. Well, you choose what you like.


MY E-MAIL! Okayeahwhatever@yahoo.com.
AIM: Jake Aimer (4) comments

Friday, June 04, 2004

What the fuck? Cinnamon Toast Crunch for grown-ups? 

I don't know if anyone's seen this commercial, but it's basically this woman eating Cinnamon Toast Crunch cereal, and her husband or whatever is narrating. It's dumb. But that's not the point. The commercial is a fucking sacrilege!

Doesn't anyone remember all those Saturday morning TV shows for CTC? The ones where it's like, "We're kids, we love Cinnamon Toast Crunch! Do you know why it's so good?" and the weather man is like, "Because it's got a cinnamon cold front?" And they're like, "Ha ha! What a square!"

Yeah, now you guys are ruining your own self-image? You can't fool people, just by marketing the "kids" and "adults" version of your cereal at different times of day.

Bastards! Hypocritical, double-talking bastards.


MY E-MAIL! Okayeahwhatever@yahoo.com.
AIM: Jake Aimer (0) comments

Wednesday, June 02, 2004

Damn! Emma Watson has really "blossomed", if you know what I mean. I think you do. INTO A WOMAN. Do I have to spell out everything? 

(0) comments

Oh, Goody! 

Oh sweet. It would appear from the New York Times review and other sources, that Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azakaban, the movie adaptation of arguably the best Harry Potter book, is good. Some people liked the first two movies, but a lot of us thought they were just, as the Times puts it, a "staged reading with special effects." I suppose the addition of the new director, Armando Cuarón, who also made the hit Mexican movie (and quite a sophisticated sex romp it was) Y Tu Mamà También. So, it's supposed to be good. Huzzah.

Oh, that new Jackie Chan looks like it might be fairly amusing. They seem to have noticed, as I did, that all of Jackie Chan's American-made movies starting with the word "The" followed by a single, supernatural or pseudo-science powered noun (see: The Tuxedo, The Medallion), have been poor quality, and flops. Perhaps they can bring respect back to Jackie Chan's Hollywood career before Rush Hour 3 or Shanghai Dukes or whatever comes out. And if a globetrotting action/adventure with a famous name can't do it, what will? Huh? What will?


MY E-MAIL! Okayeahwhatever@yahoo.com.
AIM: Jake Aimer (0) comments

Stepford Wives in Black 

This one is really (I can use italics!) short. I was just watching that Stepford Wives commercial on TV, and was once again struck by the rather stunning similarity between the song they play during the commercial and the Men in Black music. I question whether it is actually different music. Bastards.


MY E-MAIL! Okayeahwhatever@yahoo.com.
AIM: Jake Aimer (0) comments

Tuesday, June 01, 2004


Well, not... not literally. Not popular... literally.

No, but I just recently got this new hit counter for my website. It's crazy. I go to the counter's website, and it gives me all these stats. I get various forms of hits, plus countries where people are searching from, what keyword they used, all sort of thing.

So I'm checking my hits for about a week. You know, checking my hits, la la la la la, six hits a day, la la la la la, check today, FUCKING 30 hits in one day! What the hell?

So, I checked what searches people had found my site under, and discovered some interesting information:

One guy finds my site by looking for "tomorrow's nobodies", makes sense because that's one of the links I have on the side of my site.

I also get a search for, "the british are not like us", which is the name of one of my posts, which I named after a thespark.com test.

Also, "girs having orgasms". I checked that one out, and it's a rather circuitous route by which that got connected to my site, but it
scored me a hit, eh? I don't know why the guy clicked on it though; the sample of my site that appears in the search has nothing to do with porn. Whatev.

Someone searched for "dicky roberts kid", and once again, I don't know why.

Also, "2004 jena malone guestbook", which sounds dirty, but is at least semi-related to my post on Donnie Darko.

Another guy did a search for "fuck the 80's". That guy has my undying approval.

And finally, "i always find a way even stevens download", which can be credited to Mikey's reference to Even Stevens earlier this year. You hear that Mikey? You scored me a hit. I'm proud of you.

Well, now that this bland and informative post is over, I shall go.


"Girs having orgasms." Hah!

MY E-MAIL! Okayeahwhatever@yahoo.com.
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