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Tuesday, June 08, 2004

What is WRONG with me? 

What the hell am I doing? Reading.... Reading books? I thought I outgrew that, but yet, I've spent over an hour just lying on the couch reading a book. And here I am, however many pages later, back up in my room with something of a headache. All over stupid book-reading.

I feel kind of like a combination of the girl from the book Matilda, and her parents. Part of me is like, "Screen! Screen good! TV! Computer! Books boring!" The other part is like, "No, books! Literature! Journey with your mind!" Well, that part is usually small, but I've encountered some good books this year, I guess.

John Irving is a fine author, responsible for The World According to Garp, the Cider House Rules (hey, you recognize THAT title!), A Prayer for Owen Meaney, and the like. Right now I'm reading The Hotel New Hampshire. And it must be good, because I'm reading it rather voraciously. Mainly, it's just interesting. That's what's so cool about Irving; his books are easy to read not because of any particular beauty in prose (although he's pretty good at that too), but because THINGS HAPPEN in his books. Entire lifetimes occur during the span of many of his books, and it's all fit into 400 or so pages. Now, take a book like Wonderboys, by Michael Chabon, which I tried to read this year. That's at least 300 pages, but it encompasses maybe, 10 years. Probably a lot less, I don't know, I couldn't finish the thing.

My point is, books are meant to tell stories of interesting things, and I think John Irving gets that. CRaZy shit happens all the time in his books, often every few pages. Terrible things happen, bizarre things happen, and happy things happen. People get abused, misused, mutilated, amputated, and generally maligned, but there's always some kind of point. Sometimes the point is just that life is, itself absurd. Makes sense to me.

Only problem is, I have homework to do now. Okay, okay, bye. Oh, by the way, you should look into The World According to Garp or The Cider House Rules. Those are two excellent books.


MY E-MAIL! Okayeahwhatever@yahoo.com.
AIM: Jake Aimer


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