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Sunday, June 06, 2004
Short, short, short short short.
They are:
Both pictures are of one of my two main cartoon characters, who would interact more often if only I had the skill to portray such an action.
The first picture took me several more hours than the first (meaning it took actual, entire hours to make these), but I like some of the things in it more than the other. They both have their moments. Everything is more subtle in the first picture (shading, color, etc.) than in the second, but the proportions in the second are slightly better and the head is closer to what I usually draw on paper. However, I think the head on the second one is too large. Well, you choose what you like.
AIM: Jake Aimer
What program did you draw Harris (Whom I still feel obligated to call partially my own) in?
Look, you named the guy. That's what you did. I don't know what else is going through your head, but that is the extent of input you have on the creation of this character. You did not affect the style in which he is drawn or his personality traits. You know, Scott Adams, who draws Dilbert, did not in fact, come up with the name Dilbert. And yet, he receives FULL credit for the Dilbert character. It seems to verge on the realm of fantasy, I know, but I'm sticking to it.
I used Photoshop 7.
OK, I'll agree with you partially. We had equal input on tphe orignal character, and I did create his personality as much as you did if not more, because I wrote most of the original script. In terms of style, and design, I was part of that evolution right up until you changed his hair (Against my strong advice). I mean, even if the shirt was your creation, it's still there smply with a different, and worse, color scheme.
I liked the first image more.
What the FUCK are you talking about? Not only did you not write most of the script, you had NO input on the character design! I created that character over the summer, and refined him by my fucking self! Exactly what part of the character are you thinking of which you designed? Seriously, I'd like to hear what memories your convoluted mind has implanted in your head, because I sure wasn't around when they were being formulated.
Stop piggy backing on my hard work. I don't remember seeing you drawing these people all fucking year on every back of a homework sheet and handout, and I don't remember you suggesting anything about their designs.