
Come for the lesbians, stay for the blog!

Monday, November 15, 2004

Hey! Why do they always tell you to "practice safe sex"? If you're just practicing, it doesn't really matter. 

MY E-MAIL! Okayeahwhatever@yahoo.com.
AIM: Jake Aimer (3) comments

Friday, November 12, 2004

Mikey's Back! 

I'd like to celebrate the triumphant return of my first and finest fan, the fan in whose footsteps all future fans would follow.

His is a tale of friendship, loyalty, and strength.

Mikey and Nicky were the best of friends, not unlike Frodo and Samwise, but without the rampant homosexual undertones.

They did everything together, except not really.

Long story short, he moved to Memphis and during that summer Nicky started writing this blog.

Nicky invited Mikey to visit his site, and eventually allowed him to become his partner in literation.

But Mikey was also Nicky's biggest fan, doggedly checking his site, sometimes 16 or 17 times a day.

Eventually his contributions to the mighty blog waned, but his fanship remained as strong as ever.

One day, the demons that had lain dormant inside Mikey's computer system erupted in a flurry of malicious activity, the malignancy of which had never before been seen.

One day Mikey visited Nicky's site to pay his respects, but found the same article as the last time.

The next day he was confronted by that same article.

And the next. And the next.

And the next.

Mikey continued to check back every day, hoping that Nicky's posts would return to bring joy back into his life.

But there were no posts.

One day Mikey asked Nicky, "Why are there no more posts?"

Nicky responded, "There are. there have been many posts since the last moon."

"But I have seen none, " replied his loyal fan.

"Then, there is something wrong with the internet where you live," said Nicky.

And Mikey understood that the demons of the internet had ruined his life.

Eventually, he resigned himself to suffering.

Many days passed, and many weeks, and then many months passed.

One day, Mikey told himself, "I cannot continue like this. I must give up the dream of Nicky's site." And he resigned himself never to check for more updates.

But suddenly, he felt a feeling, a magical feeling bubble up from inside.
"What is this wonderful feeling?" Mikey asked himself, but he already knew.

Joyously, he clicked on his bookmark to Nicky's site, and lo' and behold he discovered a new post. They were all there! Months and months of posts that Mikey had missed, displayed themselves proudly on Mikey's computer screen.

And Mikey could take no more.

He ran through the streets of his town, tears of joy streaming down his face as he triumphantly shouted, "The website is back! Nicky's website is back!"

And that is the story of Nicky's finest fan.


MY E-MAIL! Okayeahwhatever@yahoo.com.
AIM: Jake Aimer (7) comments

Tuesday, November 09, 2004

Halo 2 

Well, I don't have an Xbox, so I wouldn't know how good it is. But from what I've heard, it lives up to its title, which is to say that it is in fact a gift from heaven. From the reviews I've read, Halo 2 is actually the second incarnation of The Jesus Christ, Our Lord and Saviour. Well, that's a relief. I thought he was never going to show up. Apparently they just had to add the bump mapping.

I can actually feel my more socially adept audience fleeing from this website. Well, fuck you guys if you think you're too cool for me.

But, can it really be that good? I mean, I guess it is. That's really the only conclusion I can possibly reach on this one. Too bad though, because I was kind of hoping Half Life 2 would be the real thing. I guess it still could be. It could actually, you know, be the father of Jesus. Well, I'll have to try it out soon.

You know what's awesome? We're learning fight choreography at school. I mean, we did that last year, but not with SWORDS. Swords, for Pete's sake! And then we'll be splitting into groups of two and choreographing fight scenes. With swords and stabbing! Anyone have any ideas in that regard? You know, what kind of style, any special moves, that kind of thing. I know a couple of you out there have got ideas. You're smart people.

Okay, but I gotta go f'real.


MY E-MAIL! Okayeahwhatever@yahoo.com.
AIM: Jake Aimer (5) comments

Wednesday, November 03, 2004

I have the 7UP in my hand, and I am drinking it and it is drinking me. To oblivion. 

(8) comments

Tuesday, November 02, 2004

I Can't Fucking Take This 

Four More Years! Four More Years!


I don't see how after four years of this shit, the race is this close?

OWWW!!! The voices on the television are going into my ears and making my brain vibrate!

My friend Lukas said, "Bush is going to win. I asked George Washington." Now, I don't know if that's a bit of Lukas's trademark pessimism or if he's just stoned; if I were going to do some drugs, I would certainly be doing them now. But what I say is, Don't be pessimistic about the election. Your bad vibes will KILL THE RACE! Positivity! Like John Edwards says, let's make this positive. Because I don't want to come off all mystical about how your energy will change the world, but if you do not start thinking some optimistic-fucking-thoughts, I WILL HUNT YOU DOWN, AND I WILL MAKE YOU PAY.

If George Bush wins, I will not do anything dangerous. I will not gouge out my eyes with a spoon or drink myself into a stumbling, vomiting stupor, and I will not beat a hooker to death in the back seat of a Toyota Celica. But I do have about a quarter of a 20 oz. bottle of 7UP, and I will drink it. I will drink it to death!

I'll probably go to bed soon, because last night I passed out on the floor and then inexplicably woke up lying on top of my bed. And I don't want to be doing any of that unconscious shit tonight. But this is really creepy. I'm going to go to sleep, and when I wake up, the presidential race will be over. I think we all know that the first thing I'm going to do tomorrow is check out the news.

And that's the important thing: get involved with the politics. I'm doing the bare minimum by talking about what I believe. The more dedicated—or those 18 or older—of us can really do useful things. Because no matter who wins, there's still next time, and the next time. No matter who you support, and no matter who ends up president tomorrow, make it important to you. Because if you're going to spend the next four years bitching about whoever gets elected, you had better have made an effort to do something about it while you still had the chance.

And if you like Kerry, and if he wins, don't stop there. Getting John Kerry elected is the very first step. Just because he's president, if he is, doesn't mean you stop caring. Because he is going to do stupid things. You give a man four years, HE WILL DO STUPID THINGS. So keep the pressure on.

Go get some sleep. And with luck....

Nicky Young

MY E-MAIL! Okayeahwhatever@yahoo.com.
AIM: Jake Aimer (1) comments

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