
Come for the lesbians, stay for the blog!

Thursday, July 26, 2007

Thursday, the last day of the third week. I finally have a long-term project to work on so I don't have to bother my superiors all the time! Well, I had a long-term project. I'm almost done now. The term wasn't that long after all.

My friend John insists that some things are just more fun when you have a hangover. This belief has led me to wonder if he actually knows what a hangover is or if he has, in fact, confused it with another word like "ice cold lemonade" or "positive reinforcement". But some things just might be more fun with a mild hangover.

Entering data into spreadsheets at 10:00 in the morning is not one of those things.


MY E-MAIL! Okayeahwhatever@yahoo.com.
AIM: Jake Aimer (0) comments

Wednesday, July 25, 2007

I'm finally getting some work to do. Barry stopped by today with his can of Diet Pepsi. "Oh yeah, that's good for you," I said.

"Ha ha, I know what you mean," he laughed. "But actually, I have diabetes."

Anyway, I work in a room with a few good women and a man. We've each got a little desk and a workstation and a phone. People call us up and we explain to them why they can't just buy the damn tickets like they want to, or how they can retrieve their password if they've forgotten it (click the "forgot password?" link).

At some point, a customer called up my coworker Paula. They exchanged a few words and then, with more than usual courtesy, she put him on hold. Getting up to find something for him, she turned to us and with an excited gleam in her eye, exclaimed,

"He has sexy dad voice!"

My coworker Sean replied, "Mmm!"

Returning to her desk, Paula added, "One of these days I'm going to say that. And he's not really going to be on hold."


MY E-MAIL! Okayeahwhatever@yahoo.com.
AIM: Jake Aimer (0) comments

Monday, July 23, 2007

Holiday and Junebug 

fig. 1

I'm listening to Billie Holiday's God Bless the Child. I don't really listen to jazz or Billie Holiday, but listening to this song makes me hold my arm in close to my chest and sway (see fig. 1).

I just watched some of the movie Junebug. It's an indie movie about a sophisticated British dealer of "visionary art" and her husband, and their reunion with the husband's southern blue-collar family. I think that's what it's about; I only caught about half an hour because I had to leave due to boredom.

If you see it in a Blockbuster or your local video store some time, or on the "'Net Flicks" you all seem to be so excited about these days, I strongly recommend you consider not renting it, or even not buying it!


MY E-MAIL! Okayeahwhatever@yahoo.com.
AIM: Jake Aimer (0) comments

Saturday, July 21, 2007


I had my wisdom teeth out on Thursday. Fearing that having my gums torn open and my teeth either drilled into bits or pulled whole from my jaw would be painful, I had asked my mom if I could have general anesthesia. It was too expensive. So I went for the local; a series of four or five Novocaine shots directly into my mouth.

This turned out to be painful.

The surgeon left me alone for ten minutes so that I could let the anesthetic set in and think about my sins. He returned, asking if my lip was completely numb. I said I didn't think so. He took his little dental scissors and pinched my lip with them.


"Did you feel that?" he asked. "Unhng-hunhg."

So he shot me up again and got to work. Fortunately, the actual operation wasn't bad; fun, even. I didn't feel a thing, except the pressure of the surgeon's pick pushing my head back into the headrest. But honestly, it was interesting. I got to see the teeth as they came out of my head. Within 30 minutes he was done and I was waiting for my antibiotic and pain prescriptions in the reception room, with big swaths of bloody cotton in my mouth.

It's been a couple of days and now I'm relaxing, trying not to play with my stitches, and saving my Percocet to sell on the streets for 30 bucks a tab.


MY E-MAIL! Okayeahwhatever@yahoo.com.
AIM: Jake Aimer (0) comments

Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Tuesday. Have been here almost half an hour so far. Checked all four email accounts, am now bereft of chores. Wish someone would plop task on desk and bid me complete it. Early second week, am already considering massive office supply theft. (1) comments

Monday, July 16, 2007

More dispatches 

Monday, 7/16/2007

The start of my second week on the job. I've heard my share of stories about the horrors of Mondays, but those stories may apply more to full-time, salaried people with actual responsiblities and expenses, like rent and clothing, than to 20-hour-week Apprentices who live at home and have at least another few years at school. My monday consisted of coming in at 10:00, checking the email, then filing a couple thousand order forms. Then I delivered some envelopes. The tempo around here is pretty leisurely, as I imagine it might be at an open-air Genovese cafe, but instead of the cool mediterranean air carressing our faces with its wispy fingers, we are embraced by the still and mild air of central cooling. Instead of the balmy coastal sun, it is the loving glow of fluorescent bulbs that illuminates our business. (0) comments

Notes from the Ground-Level 

Thursday, 7/12/2007

It's Thursday, my fourth day and my last day of the week. Everyone is nice enough and seems to have good social skills. I spent a about ten minutes trying to reacquaint myself with the Qwerty keyboard system but then I realized that it was easier to just switch it. I normally type with a different keyboard layout called Dvorak, so I switched that on this computer. If that turns out to be a problem, I'll have to go back to re-mastering Qwerty.

So, I'm still waiting around to really have something to do. I think I've got some work upcoming. Putting things in boxes.

I look around the office. What are the productive people doing? (0) comments

Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Young: A New Victory 

Let's pretend I've been posting like normal for the past year.

I just started my Ticket Sales internship for a well-known Broadway theater in New York City (sorry folks, I can't say which one!) Let's just call it the Recent Success Theater. Us interns have to write journal entries as a component of our education at the theater, so I figured that while I was at it I'd share a few thoughts with the public--while doing my best not to spill any juicy secrets!

(To protect the people involved in this journal, all names have been changed and many things have been completely made up.)

The first day was nothing special, just a two hour meeting with our supervisor Jane and the other interns, where we learned a few things about the RS Theater (that's what they call it here!) We learned that you have to fill in your time sheet with hours and fractions of an hour, not minutes. We learned that different departments have different dress standards (Marketing guys have to look their sharpest!)

I'm the only intern in Ticket Services. The others are doing cool stuff like Production, Education, Programming, Development, Studio Operations, and RS Operations. I'm not totally sure what each of those means, but they sound awesome!

The other interns at the meeting seemed like very nice, smart, motivated people. It appeared to be a very pleasant office environment, and that was the problem; it was dramatically dead. There was no one for me to quarrel with, there was no one to oppose me.

So I invented a nemesis.

His name is Barry Schmendelson. He just got his bachelors in finance from the prestigious Milton Freedman University in Maine, he's working in the Marketing department, and he thinks he's hot shit. The other interns think so too, but I see right through him. That shit-eating grin. The way he wraps both his hands around yours and pumps you for all your worth. The way he'll make a joke, and then lean forward a little bit and chuckle towards you, like he's trying to force you to laugh. It's the LOL of body language. I can tell that Barry and I are not going to get along. Good thing he's in Marketing and I'm in Ticket Services, so at least we won't have to see too much of each other.

Anyway, I'm really excited about my first real day of work tomorrow! I have to be in at 10:00 tomorrow, so I better go to bed right now!

Your friend Nicky, signing off.

MY E-MAIL! Okayeahwhatever@yahoo.com. (0) comments

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