
Come for the lesbians, stay for the blog!

Saturday, July 21, 2007


I had my wisdom teeth out on Thursday. Fearing that having my gums torn open and my teeth either drilled into bits or pulled whole from my jaw would be painful, I had asked my mom if I could have general anesthesia. It was too expensive. So I went for the local; a series of four or five Novocaine shots directly into my mouth.

This turned out to be painful.

The surgeon left me alone for ten minutes so that I could let the anesthetic set in and think about my sins. He returned, asking if my lip was completely numb. I said I didn't think so. He took his little dental scissors and pinched my lip with them.


"Did you feel that?" he asked. "Unhng-hunhg."

So he shot me up again and got to work. Fortunately, the actual operation wasn't bad; fun, even. I didn't feel a thing, except the pressure of the surgeon's pick pushing my head back into the headrest. But honestly, it was interesting. I got to see the teeth as they came out of my head. Within 30 minutes he was done and I was waiting for my antibiotic and pain prescriptions in the reception room, with big swaths of bloody cotton in my mouth.

It's been a couple of days and now I'm relaxing, trying not to play with my stitches, and saving my Percocet to sell on the streets for 30 bucks a tab.


MY E-MAIL! Okayeahwhatever@yahoo.com.
AIM: Jake Aimer


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