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Monday, July 16, 2007

More dispatches 

Monday, 7/16/2007

The start of my second week on the job. I've heard my share of stories about the horrors of Mondays, but those stories may apply more to full-time, salaried people with actual responsiblities and expenses, like rent and clothing, than to 20-hour-week Apprentices who live at home and have at least another few years at school. My monday consisted of coming in at 10:00, checking the email, then filing a couple thousand order forms. Then I delivered some envelopes. The tempo around here is pretty leisurely, as I imagine it might be at an open-air Genovese cafe, but instead of the cool mediterranean air carressing our faces with its wispy fingers, we are embraced by the still and mild air of central cooling. Instead of the balmy coastal sun, it is the loving glow of fluorescent bulbs that illuminates our business.


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