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Tuesday, January 17, 2006

Christopher Walken 

Does Christopher Walken need to be in more movies? Yes, probably, I think I'd probably say yes. I asked him. He also said "Yes," but it was two and a half syllables.

The two girls I like best of all are close friends with each other. They're like wildebeests! They travel in packs. They know I can't deal with that. It's like Double Dragon. Maybe I could take one at a time, but when they combine their fucking dragon powers or whatever? I didn't play the games or watch the show or the movie or anything, but I assume that they have fucking dragon powers. And I don't want them to be hurricane kicking me and nunchucking me and hitting me with their goddamned bo staffs of love and shit. Pow pow pow whatever etc.

I think nunchucking should be an olympic sport. I imagine it as a cross between the shot put and curling. But you know, obviously with nuns.


MY E-MAIL! Okayeahwhatever@yahoo.com.
AIM: Jake Aimer


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