
Come for the lesbians, stay for the blog!

Sunday, December 04, 2005

Well, shit. 

Youngsters in Hartford, Connecticutt are now being fined $100 for each curse word they use. This measure was instituted to help reign in misbehavior in school and elsewhere. Police officers have hailed the new law as a success, noting a marked decline in "tongue-crime." Ofc. Wallace Trundle of Hartford said Thursday: "Before we started this law, cursing ran rampant. We had kids who would say the F-word and then go home and beat their parents. A team of paid professionals working weekends and Saturdays have calculated that by replacing dirty words with warm milk, we can decrease virulent shenaniganism by as much as 40 percent."

This law has brought about a flurry of legislation. Up next for review is a law punishing "perpetrators of tomfoolery" with "a stout birch rod applied swiftly to the buttocks."

I know I'm looking forward to seeing this story shape up, and I think we can all join in and wish the good law enforcement officers of Hartford, Connecticutt great success in keeping those impudent fuckers in line.


MY E-MAIL! Okayeahwhatever@yahoo.com.
AIM: Jake Aimer


the colloquial character of the title is more interesting than the article, but still something nonetheless

is this true? or only in the realm of Professor Bobenheimer and the like?

By Anonymous Anonymous, at 12:40 AM  

It's true!

By Blogger Kalus, at 8:44 PM  

i believed it until the warm milk part.

By Anonymous Anonymous, at 10:10 PM  

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