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Come for the lesbians, stay for the blog!
Wednesday, September 21, 2005
I hate all that lives.
Long story short, Indigo Prophecy looks like a very cool game, and I'm happy that there exists a game where story and characters are more important than guns, cars and boobies. Not to say that I don't appreciate these things, but story and character are great too. How 'bout some balance, eh? Oh, I also made a joke about how the game is called Fahrenheit in Europe because, while ancient mysticism fascinates us Yankees, Europeans are equally shocked and thrilled by our archaic system of stupid, stupid measurements.
Nintendo Revolution: I had told my friends that they weren't actually going to make one, that it would in fact be an imagination Revolution, but this new controller has me thinking that they shut my mouth. Blah blah blah, I'm happy with innovation and I like new, more versatile control interfaces because (and I haven't been out for a while, but) last time I shot a guy in the face I didn't do it by twiddling some buttons with my thumbs.
In short, innovation Rah-Rah, new white PSP indicates Apple's style monopoly is equally potent to Microsoft's business/money monopoly, and swinging a motion-sensitive controller around like you think it's a sword is cool in my book even if you accidentally hit your girl friend in the face.
AIM: Jake Aimer
Once the Nintendon Revolution comes out It probably won't be but a matter of days before the executives and the major share holders have that inevitable "Oh shit, we spent how much on developing and marketing this thing and how many people bought it?! 12?!! Half of those are ours!! We're fucked up the ass I say throw in your shares and lets head to Hawaii." meeting. Nintendo, once, not so long ago, you were a gaming giant. Now, with your ridiculous "clicker" controller and your not-so-revolutionary promises for the revolution, your giant gaming joke. I'll say some kind words at your funeral like "Mario was good. Yeah, yeah. Mario was fun. I played Mario for a while. Good game. It was I swear." /wave
By 1:05 AM
, atNintendo is run by a bunch of overly pretentious douches who bring nothing to the table other than to rehash old technology and call it a revolution. Nintendo can kiss my ass, the gamecube blowed beyond belief. Mine broke 2 years into owning it (hows that for durability nintendo?). Also a particular "object" is very lonely. We gotta do something about it! /bow
By 6:27 PM
, atOh yeah? Well you're just a doped up WoW-head who thinks typing console commands in a text document is cool. I hope your account gets suspended.
/emote "Atrophy looks down at poor, poor Nicky and sadly waves goodbye before raising his arms and revving up for a pyroblast."
By 10:46 PM
, atYou are just jealous of our doped up WoW heads. /rude
By 11:09 PM
, atI never thought I'd see the day. you have scooped all of the websites I visit on the knowledge of the new White PSP. I'm impressed by both you and your connections over at Slate.
By the way, slash commands in comments is not at all cool.
Are you saying you haven't heard of the white PSP? It's coming. Also... I don't really work at Slate. That was an obscure reference. But you probably caught that, and congratulated my ironically.
Right on. But, I am ashamed to say, that with all my research on the 2.o update, I failed to notice the new color, or lack of it.
Lukas, 2.0 has already been hacked ive heard. So go ahead and update. I want the white psp, it looks cooler, kinda like an ipod /laugh. 1.8 is out tomorrow, character transfers, maybe?? My new guild blows, I need a new one desperatly. /shrug
By 7:47 PM
, atI dunno which PSP I prefer. Although it certainly fits in with my love of Apple, I'd like it to match the fine dark gleam of my imaginary PS3.
This I have to see.