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Tuesday, July 05, 2005

The human body is approximately 70% EVIL 

I just saw an ad for that movie Dark Water classifying it as the most original and terrifying movie of the year. Well, it may be the most original. I mean, I never could have envisioned the chilling tale of a mother and daughter who move into the house of their dreams. Except maybe it's not the house of their dreams. This house is full of water. Dark water. Possibly the darkest water ever! But don't hold me to that, because I'm not an expert on this kind of thing.

All I know is, it's water, it's dark, it kills.

Maybe the dark water traps you in its malevolent droplet, confined for all eternity in a bead of deadly moisture.

Maybe you drink and drink and drink the dark water until you drown in it!

Or maybe the dark water drinks YOU!

MY E-MAIL! Okayeahwhatever@yahoo.com.
AIM: Jake Aimer


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