
Come for the lesbians, stay for the blog!

Sunday, May 08, 2005

Tag Body Spray for Guys: Consider Yourself Warned 

It comes in a black, metallic container. It promises to attract women like Ag+ ions to a fork. It's name is short and succinct, memorable and extreme.

Yes, these are the selling points of two body sprays with different names but nearly identical attributes. What's the difference? I fear it can be only in name. What is doubtless, however, is that in a free-market society, competition is welcome. Americans are given choices. But are they really? You can have a Coke or you can have Pepsi. McDonalds or Burger King. One wonders if the battle between Axe and Tag is more than a friendly rivalry between two companies assured of their success in an economy in which choice is only an illusion.


Nicky? Could you please put me back as a blogging friend, so I can at least try and recover my lost posts?

By Blogger Kalus, at 6:32 PM  

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