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Wednesday, February 23, 2005

On Death and Dying 

Well, I'm most of the way through my catastrophic (yet smooth and mild) illness. And I've come back from my journey to the very edge, the rift of the beyond with some realizations.

When you're sick, your priorities change. Your sense of what's important gets all shuffled around. You stop worrying about what people think of you, what you got on your test, whether you left the gas on. Suddenly, whether you can absorb 8 ounces of water becomes the focus of your entire day. Succeeding at such a task becomes a monumental accomplishment.

You also start to notice strange things. Like, you ever sit on the toilet and just stare at your toes? Dude! They're like tiny, deformed, baby fingers! What the hell? It really started to freak me out. Man, there was something else that I forgot, but it probably wasn't very interesting. I mean, how could it be?

Whoa, there's black people on That 70s Show? God damn. But that's cool. I love black people. Know several.

Donna's hot.


MY E-MAIL! Okayeahwhatever@yahoo.com.
AIM: Jake Aimer


You haven't even told us what you were sick with.

ps was the toes thing kill bill style?

By Anonymous Anonymous, at 10:32 PM  

I was sick with the bubonic plague. God, I don't know? Cold, flu, doesn't matter. All I know is that for a couple of days, it became very important to me that the right things come in and out of the right holes.

You know, there was a Kill Bill element to the staring. I mean, I did take a second and say, "Yes, my big toes to have an Uma-like curve to them." I never noticed before.

By Blogger Nicky, at 2:05 PM  

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