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Sunday, January 09, 2005

Wow. Oh Jesus. Jesus Christ. 

Well, my friend Darian was asking me if I knew anything about Japanese legends. I had no idea, so I thought I'd make one up. All of y'all, just raise your hand when you think you recognize it. She never did. I cannot believe this, because she would actually know this kind of thing. Jesus. Some people are thick when you least expect it. And that was NOT a sexy double entendre. Jesus, you people are sick. I've edited out her responses, because it disrupts the flow and makes her look kind of dumb. If you're reading this Darian, I love you, you know I do.

What about the one with Yoshi.

You know?
Yoshi, the great dragon.

See, yoshi was this magnificent green dragon.
But he didn't have wings, see?
Kind of like a dinosaur.
One day, he was sitting around in this big box, because he could go inside boxes.
It was almost a cave, but not really.
Sulking about how he couldn't fly.
Suddenly his box was shaken up. He leaped out to see what had caused the commotion.
He found a short, round little man.

"Can you tell me how I may fly?" asked the Yoshi.
"I cannot grant you wings," said the small man.
"But there is a great demon who lives to the west."
"If we combine our strengths, we may defeat him."
"Perhaps then you shall win your wings."

So, the two set off, with the small man riding on Yoshi's back.
Along their way, they encountered many foes.
Some were giant turtles that walked upright, who with a bare touch from their hand, could shrivel a man to half his size, or even kill him!

The path was fraught with difficult platforms and ledges.

The small man and Yoshi nearly fell to their death many times.
After defeating the great demon's many minions, they finally happened on the castle of the Great Demon Who Lives in the West.
He lived in a giant castle, as many lords did.
Yoshi and the small man entered this castle, not knowing what would beset them.
This was their greatest challenge of all.
Um. That's all I really remember.
I'm pretty sure they defeat the demon at the end.

Did I mention that she short, round man was on his own quest?

I haven't even gotten to the part with the Princess Who Smells of Peach Blossoms!
She was the man's lover.

I don't know! This legend came from like, 1200 AD.
They had different standards back then.

There's all this other stuff too.
Like they visit the World of Snow.

There are many tales about the small, round man.

I think the original story was called...
I'm not sure, but it translates to like, "Legend of the Most Excellent and Supreme Mario, the Lord of the Eastern Lands."
Right, that was the little man's name.

She still doesn't get it. Jesus Christ.


MY E-MAIL! Okayeahwhatever@yahoo.com.
AIM: Jake Aimer


The Demon lay to the North, but Mario and Yoshi had to take the Eastern road. Think about it, it makes more sense.

By Blogger Kalus, at 10:16 PM  

Kagan, don't call my friend names. That's my job. Lukas, I don't know what you're talking about. I was just thinking on my feet, you know? And since everyone knows that Bowser represents imperialistic oppression, I figured I'd put him in the west. Yeesh.

By Blogger Nicky, at 11:24 PM  

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