
Come for the lesbians, stay for the blog!

Sunday, January 02, 2005

Nothing Says I love You Like $90 for Christmas 

Relatives of youngsters, listen up: don't try to get the kid something thoughtful or educational. You are wrong. We don't want your stupid shit, unless it's food, because food can't fail. You know what teenagers like? Money. It's great stuff. It's like, it's like manifest opportunity. It's just as good as a gift certificate, but more versatile. Unless you've got a family who thinks that kind of thing is tacky. I don't know what to say for you guys. If you are a parent or a sibling, try not to give money, because that's not so good. But if you're an uncle or aunt, or even a grandparent, it's a good thing.

Anyway, I've been away for a few days and thought I should inform you on all the hot action I've seen. And by seen, I mean watched movies about.

First on the list, "Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban."
If you are easily bored by uninteresting movies, don't see this. Maybe it wasn't boring, maybe. I still don't see what all the critics were going on about. As far as I could tell it was just as good or bad as the previous two. I really just... don't get it. Also, did you see all that sexual tension between Ron and Hermione? They were all holding hands and stuff! I totally don't remember that in the book. It was hot though, in a prepubescent kind of way.

What else? "Night of the Living Dead."
For those of you who don't know, this is one of the first modern zombie movies around and it caused a big stir when it came out in 1968. Since then we've learned to measure horror films by Japanese standards, so by comparison this is very close to being a comedy. It's not a bad movie, really. But it's not scary, that's for sure. One of the characters, a woman whose name I can't remember spends almost the entire movie sitting on a couch and staring off into space. That's the kind of job I'm looking for in the acting industry.

I also saw "Taboo," a Japanese movie.
This one was about members of the Japanese militia in 19th century Japan. I'm not sure exactly what the plot was; it was a tad complicated. Or it didn't make sense. There was a little bit of sword fighting in it, but it wasn't really a movie about cool fights. They were realistic-style sword fights. I don't have too much to say about this film, but if you're looking for the movie that the Seattle Times called "A gorgeously filmed study of homosexual lust," I guess you should go for it. I didn't like it that much though.

Finally, "Spellbound."
This is the story of eight heroic young men and women, eight of the 249 warriors who compete in the annual National Spelling Bee. I don't want to overpraise this movie, but I would say it is "epic in proportion" and that the characters "leap off of the screen." Actually, it was good. The kids and their parents were interesting and/or frightening. Some of these kids studied for eight hours a day for this thing. It's sad that they have nothing better to do. I mean, the winner does get 10,000 dollars, but seriously. There's nothing cooler for these guys to train obsessively for? Anyway, it was well made, and for a guy like me who thinks that spelling is definitely the next X-treme sport, it was a real blast.


MY E-MAIL! Okayeahwhatever@yahoo.com.
AIM: Jake Aimer


You know Nicky, maybe if you didn't consider spelling bees to be the next x-treme sport you would have more friends. Just a thought.

By Anonymous Anonymous, at 7:20 PM  

Another post with Hermione. Hit seeker!

By Anonymous Anonymous, at 8:14 PM  

Hey, "Dude," I don't need any hits. I've got plenty of hits. I've got hits up the wazoo! I am not responsible for any acquired hotness on Ms. Emma Watson's behind. Behalf. I actually wrote "behind" by accident. But it's not my fault! We should be happy for her.

By Blogger Nicky, at 8:54 PM  

Please make your next entry on Scott Crap, PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE!!! I'll give you a videogame for gba maybe.

By Anonymous Anonymous, at 9:45 PM  

What is wrong with you people? Can't YOU write to amuse yourselves, like I do? I don't depend on some weirdo living in his mom's basement in Kentucky to provide me with entertainment.

By Blogger Nicky, at 8:59 PM  

You live in your mom's basement in a house in Kentucky? That's a long commute to South Salem.

By Anonymous Anonymous, at 5:35 PM  

I'm still waiting for the entry on scott crap!!!

By Anonymous Anonymous, at 7:48 PM  

Nicky, we like the whole community thing you have set up, even if it IS mostly made up of horney bastards searching for primates-raping-teachers-with-cheek-fetishes. If we were to write our own stuff, whcih I do, we couldn't create nearly as nice of a niche as you do.

By Blogger Kalus, at 7:54 PM  

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