
Come for the lesbians, stay for the blog!

Saturday, October 30, 2004


Okay, still trying to get back into this "writing" thing. Don't worry if I churn out a little bit of crap for a while.

So, on Friday we had our little Halloween celebration at Laguardia. I mean, not that little. I think I go to the only New York public high school that actually gives students a half day for Halloween. There were some good costumes, some shitty costumes, and a pretty nice array of mediocre costumes.

I was a Crazy 88, as seen on television! Which is to see, seen on television commercials for the movie Kill Bill. It's an easy costume to do. Believe me.

So, one interesting thing about Halloween this year is that this year's sophomores, my class, had much fewer slutty costumes. Yeah. I don't think I saw anyone explicitly dressed as a hooker. Okay, a few. But they were all tastefully designed. So, my theory is that after Freshman year, the girls sort of got the "whore" thing out of their system after last year, you know? They pushed the limits of how far they could go without actually being arrested, and after realizing they had reached the maximum skin:fabric ratio, I mean, what's next? After they failed to get a sufficiently outraged response, these girls probably turned to the next best thing: creative costumes. Oh well, can't complain about a little variety, I suppose. Interestingly enough, some of the juniors seemed to be ready to jump back onto the whore bandwagon.

Okay, that's really all I've got to say about Halloween this year.

So what's with that Hillary Duff movie, "Raise Your Voice"? Don't you hate it when a singer who thinks she can act stars in a movie where all she has to do is sing? It's like putting Serena Williams in a movie called, "The Girl That Had to Play Tennis." I mean, we already know she can play tennis, we're not going to be impressed if she beats all the other characters and wins the big tournament. It's just a movie meant to showcase the person's talents. If I didn't want to hear the bitch sing in the first place, why the hell would I want to see a movie in which said bitch's singing is a major plot point?

Also, what's with parties in TV shows? You know what I'm talking about. They always have these scenes where the main characters are at a party, usually hosted by one of the friends or some jerk they don't know. That's all good and well, but what about the extras? There's always a few principle characters and upwards of 20 or 30 other people who are just sitting around, making out on the stairs, dancing in place, or greeting people. Who has this many random people at their party? Don't you invite people that you know? And everyone's got these big two-floor houses except you never see the upstairs, you just see people sitting on the stairs drinking beer out of red plastic cups. You never just see a party with eight or nine good friends, where they sit around on a couch and just... pass time. Or whatever! Okay, I admit I don't really know what I'm talking about; I don't go to a lot of parties. But it just seems... false. Okay, until the next time,

Nicky Young

MY E-MAIL! Okayeahwhatever@yahoo.com.
AIM: Jake Aimer


Well, at parties, there generally are about 20-30 people no one knows, except we had a bit more tphen that on friday. People who have parties, thoguyh, generally have spacious houses, whihc usually include second stories. However, most of the valubles are then placed on the second floor, and then it is roped off, preventing people from stealing things, like couches.

By Blogger Kalus, at 9:58 AM  

Well, shucks. Maybe I'm just a simple farmer, so I hesitate to ask such a question, but what the hell is that about? How do 20-30 random people just show up? Are they coming uninvited or did they find the fliers that weren't meant for them? Or were they invited? Do people just hold open parties at their own houses? I'm rather curious. Why would you want extra people that you don't know to show up? That means you need to get more supplies AND make sure a bunch of people don't trash your house and have sex in your parents' bed.

By Blogger Nicky, at 12:08 PM  

Well, most of the people get invited by people who were invited directly by the host. People want people to show up because, even thoguh you do need more supplies and have to hide more objects, they usually bring their own stuff while inhancing your party-cred. And no one had sex this time in her parent's bed. We stopped that just in time.

By Blogger Kalus, at 8:49 AM  

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