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Thursday, September 30, 2004


Sorry, Fall season preview coming up later, but today, presidential deabets.

"Mr. President, if Kerry were elected on November 2nd, do you think he would not protect the United States as well?"
"Well, I don't think that's going to happen. I don't think I'm going to lose."

Answer the question, damn it!

You know... you know what? I really want to mock Bush... I hate his whole administration, but Kerry just isn't any more likable. I'm not saying he wouldn't be a better president, I'd vote for him just because he's someone else. He's just unpleasant. It's just like the Gore/Bush candidacy. It was between a man who really isn't president material in the first place and another guy with somewhat questionable policies. But Gore was boring and seemed to have no personality.

Once again, Bush comes off as a more likable person. What it comes down to is, Kerry's policies are better, but not radically better, and he has what amounts to no charisma. INFLUENTIAL DEMOCRATS, IF YOU ARE READING THIS, PAY ATTENTION: Pick a better candidate! What happened to John Edwards? Everyone liked him. And Howard Dean probably would have been okay, except everyone went all like, "Oh my gah, he yellin' at me! What going on?" John Kerry has had plenty of chances to mess up Bush's campain, but instead this turned into a year-long conversation about John Kerry's war record! WHO THE FUCK CARES? He went to war, Bush and Cheney didn't. Maybe he got shot a couple times, maybe he didn't, so what? Kerry should have said, "Look, stop bashing me and talk about the real issues." Or he should have shot right back, because it's not like Bush's military record is so spotless.

I don't know, I just don't know. It seems like we had better candidates to pick from. I mean, it seems that most people who don't like Bush want someone who's radically different from him. But here we have another guy in a high wealth bracket, with similar policies, who voted to attack Iraq. And people are saying, "Well, at least we know how Bush works."

Troubling. Very troubling.


MY E-MAIL! Okayeahwhatever@yahoo.com.
AIM: Jake Aimer


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