
Come for the lesbians, stay for the blog!

Sunday, August 29, 2004

You Skeevy Rat Bastards! 


Whom else. I hate you. Fair and balanced my ass. Irony, oh cruel irony!

"Blah blah blah, there were over 100,000 protesters today."

Yeah? About 400,000 over. More than 400,000 protesters were estimated to be at the RNC protest.

Bastards. Oh my god. On the news, the reporter just said that cops were investigating suspect trucks, and as she said that, it showed two cops grabbing a truck driver out of his seat, throwing him on the ground and cuffing him. Thanks guys. Feel a lot safer now.

A lot of people thought the RNC would bring in money, but it looks like they'll probably lose money. Over 75 million dollars are spent on security, and lots of wealthier people have left the city to avoid the whole chaos. And plenty of money is lost because traffic is so clogged, it takes forever for anyone to get to work or buy things.

Ooh, here's a heading: "It may be their anniversary, but that's not going to stop the Cheney's from doing their political duty."

Really? REALLY?! It's the Republican National Convention and the VICE PRESIDENT is doing his political duty? Well! SOMEONE earned his ice cream cake! Ha ha, look at that! It's got a whale on it. Says, "A whale of a vice president". Eat your cake, fatty; if your arteries get clogged we can always stick another plastic tube in there. Asshole.

And on the FOX news, they were talking about security precautions, and showing how they have all these cameras planted on the outside of buildings, and they show these cops just sitting there watching the monitors. Is that supposed to be creepy? It's creepy. They're all laughing about how good the resolution is:

"Ha ha ha, the focus is so good, Jim, you can practically read that menu over there!"
"That's right, Tom, they're always watching you!"
"Ah ha ha ha! That's pretty horrifying."
"Sure thing, Tom."

Ah ha ha ha... eugh.

And what's with all the police, anyway? Who are they protecting? I mean, what are the protesters supposed to do? There's no one for them to attack except for the cops! Does anyone see the irony here? You get a bunch of anti-war, anti-republican, PEACEFUL protesters here, and you get a bunch of policemen to stand there with big sticks and riot gear? But, I mean, yeah, those peaceful protesters can get nasty. I hear they turn on each other like rabid wolverine. Sometimes, ankles are bitten.

Yeah, okay. I'll whip out my freeform-style Garfield "review" soon.


MY E-MAIL! Okayeahwhatever@yahoo.com.
AIM: Jake Aimer


Newscaster: "It's possible that 10, thousand, even 100 thousand people showed up to march today."
Newscaster: "Over 400,000 people showed up today to protest the RNC, though police cannot confirm the numbers because they 'don't give out numbers'."

By Blogger Kalus, at 11:37 PM  

Hey it's Kagan.

The reason you pussy little Democrats never get recognized is becaused of the way you protest. If you meant all of the crap spewing out of your mouths you guys would like, throw chairs through starbucks' windows and take babies hostage. C'mon! Show some initiative. Also, don't diss Cheney. It takes a lot of concentration and practice to be that fucking evil. Hitler had a lot of things to juggle too! People need to give those guys some credit!


By Anonymous Anonymous, at 9:03 PM  

And what do you think destroying starbucks and taking babies hostage will accomplish? Firstly, Starbucks makes an excellent Strawberry Creme Frappacino, and they provide nice hot chocolate in the winter. Secondly, Babies haven't chosen sides yet, and they never did anything to either party. Thirdly, No matter what, 400,000 people congragating in one area WILL get noticed. And we did. (My mom was on T.V.)

By Blogger Kalus, at 11:30 PM  

I dispute that comment, Sir Lukas.

Forsooth, the grand majority* of bald babies grow up to be consummate Republicans.

*approx. 93%
National Infant Political Survey; 2002

By Blogger Nicky, at 12:55 PM  

Hmm, well, considering that the survey was conducted in 2002, and the legal voting age is 18, it would be assumed that all people used in this survey were born at least 20 years ago, making the poll at least 20 years inacurate. On top of this, it also depends on your definition of 'bald'.

By Blogger Kalus, at 12:20 AM  

Yo, you dissin' on my old man? He be bald soon!

By Blogger Kalus, at 1:28 AM  

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