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Sunday, May 30, 2004

Brushing up on a little Danish! Ha ha! 

Oh, James!

So, I'm watching Tomorrow Never Dies on CBS right now. It doesn't suck, but, whatever. Ha... a little Danish. He's, you know, "screwing around" (you know what I mean) with this hot chick in... Danerland... Danon... Danetucky... you know, where Danishes come from. Denmark, right right! Anywho, screwing around, Moneypenny calls him and she's all like "James, I want you, I need you." He's like, "Shut up, you old bat. I'm just brushing up on a little Danish." I'm like, "Oh Jamesie... you punner, you."

There's this scene where James Bond is doing something or other and these goons are trying to get into his "special" car, you know how he always has a cool car with neat gadgets. You know, like... a sandwich maker that cuts all the meat and cheese and puts the sandwich together and stuff. Or like, it's got a harpoon gun, or a grappling hook so it can scale buildings, or it has one of those little baubles you put on the car antenna so you can find it in the parking lot. Hey, I just noticed: James Bond's car never seems to have an antenna, or I just wasn't paying attention. What, James doesn't like listening to the radio when he's driving around in active volcanoes or whatever?

Okay, anyway, the guys are trying to break into his car, they hit it with sledgehammers, whatever. Then some Stuff happens, James gets in the car, they chase him around, and somehow, they break both of his windshields by shooting at them. I'm sorry, what? Why didn't you guys think of that before James Bond showed up and killed all of you? You stupid Danish assholes. Go make me a pastry.


MY E-MAIL! Okayeahwhatever@yahoo.com.
AIM: Jake Aimer


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