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Wednesday, March 10, 2004

UPN: How I hate you! 

AAAAARRRGGHHHHH!!! Oh GOD. It hurts SO MUCH! From my penthouse in Brooklyn, I stab at thee, UPN! For verily, thou hast tormented me long enough!

Okay, look. I hate UPN. So do You, and You, but not YOU, because YOU are a moron. Go away.

But, see, this isn't just a boiling over of all my ordinary hate for the United Paramount Network, of evil, this is a new explosion, caused by a spark that ignited the pool of gasoline that is my rage. Ever heard of a little show called "Game Over"?

If you're lucky, you haven't. It's a show based on the life of a family that lives inside a computer or whatever, and they participate in video games. You know, like they're the random characters in Vice City or like, the wife plays Lara Croft or whatever, sometimes. Whatever. Sound familiar? Probably not, but if you're cool, like me and some of my friends, you've seen, and become a great fan of Reboot. Reboot was a show that came out on ABC Saturdays when I was younger. It was about characters that lived inside a computer, and some of them, in fact, had to play against the computer user in games. It is seriously one of the best shows I've ever seen. The third season had a really cool, awesome, engrossing story line and everything. No wonder they took it off American TV and moved it to Canada.

So, this show, Game Over, is just like that, but without the visual flair. Or technical references that actually appeal to people who use computers. Or, you know, anything. It's computer animated, like Reboot. Fine. But Reboot was a joy to watch, filled with jokes for nerds and lots of other people. They probably have a DVD out. You should go see it. So not only is this new show a bastardized version of the original, it's also much, much worse, and many times less original. And it's a sitcom, instead of Reboot, which really defied cliches. Why is a prime time animated show so much less creative, or good, than a Saturday morning kids' show.

Additionally, this show makes references to actual video games, and you might expect that to be cool, but it's just cheap. In Reboot, what they did was make subtle to video games without ever mentioning them. That was cool. In this episode, the family is wondering around in the mall, and a guy in a tropical shirt runs out and punches the father in the face. I mean, that was actually pretty funny, because it reminded me of Vice City. But then he says, "What is this, Vice City?" COME ON! Anyone who's played the game gets it. And everyone else probably won't get it even if they do name the game.

This show is so fucking annoying! This "family" is killing me, with their antics. The father, I guess races in racing games, and he doesn't have that much of a personality. He's okay though. The wife is just a sex symbol, which I guess makes sense for a female video game character. But she's boring too. Then there's the son: I hate him a great deal. He has the voice of Bobby Hill, from King of the Hill, which is annoying enough when there's only one. He acts like he thinks he's ghetto. I mean, whoo! We haven't seen that before! Look, ghetto black people are a cliché, but so are annoying white people who think they're ghetto. Get over it! It's fucking annoying. I hate people who mock posers such as him based on what they've heard. Okay, that was confusing, but it still pisses me off. The girl is just some 13-year-old or whatever, and she's always making stupid comments, but other than that she's useless and I want to strangle her.

One last thing: the wife sometimes portrays a Tomb Raider-type character in the episode. Why? That means she has to be responsible for her actions, running around and fighting. That doesn't make sense, because the game player would control Lara Croft, not the AI. That's why Reboot was cool; the computer characters could only play as characters that the player couldn't play as.

So, in conclusion (this was rather a messy essay), Reboot=sweet (I don't know about the 4th season, I missed it when it premiered and I may be too old for it now), Game Over=a show on UPN.

Get it? Good.

Oh, and they chose to follow the world premiere (today) of Game Over with the premiere of the second season of The Mullets. I love those high standards, guys.

Nicky Young

AIM: Jake Aimer
MY E-MAIL! Okayeahwhatever@yahoo.com.


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