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Saturday, March 20, 2004

Tales of a Tale-Teller 

So, I went to the big antiwar protest today. It was pretty cool. It was called "America Still Says No to War." A LOT of people were there. Blocks in a row were filled with people. However it was subdued protest. New Yorkers, for all their purported rudeness, were VERY quiet. Every once in a while, some guys would start up a chant, and it would gather some people, but then it died pretty quickly. Come on, New York! You want Washington DC to get all the COOL protests? Come on.

So, I went with this female friend from my old school, and that seemed like a cool idea. But it wasn't. It was pretty boring. I don't like her very much anymore. And I haven't met her shiny new boyfriend, but he's a senior and I'm a freshman, and that annoys me. So, boo. I mean, sophomores I can understand, but a senior? WhatEVER.

At the protest, we saw the Billionaires for Bush. They're cool. They wore fancy clothing. They had these signs that said stuff like, "Fuck the people." Mmmmmm that's good satire.

There were two people with "Bush and Cheney in 2004" signs. Dumb-asses. They're lucky us peace protesters are so damn pacifistic or we would have cut their Republican asses.

And I my legs got tired after standing and walking for almost five hours. But it was a good cause and a useful experience, so that's good.

Now, the important thing: The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past is NOT a cool game. It is not one of the best games ever, it is not a cool game. I don't get it! You walk around and cut at people. Maybe I haven't played long enough, but I don't feel motivated to go any further. I figure if a game is good enough, it should draw me in from the very beginning. Then again, I'm fairly picky about games, so it's not easy to please me. Among other games I don't like: well, there are a lot. I also downloaded a rom (don't tell anyone) for Super Mario World, which is conceivably a good game, but it was too hard for me to really enjoy. One game I DO like is Donkey Kong Country 2. That game is good. And it has really good graphics for Super Nintendo.

Okay, I think I'm going now. By the way, you should all watch Arrested Development on FOX, Sundays at 9:30. It's a really funny show, but it will probably get canceled because no one seems to watch it, because they're afflicted with severe mental retardation of the ass.

Okay, bye.


AIM: Jake Aimer
MY E-MAIL! Okayeahwhatever@yahoo.com.


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