
Come for the lesbians, stay for the blog!

Monday, March 08, 2004

Inspiration = No 

Well, here's another post, by Tuesday, AS PROMISED. With increased regularity of postage comes increased brain damage to me and everyone within a 253 mile radius. Still, quantity is nice.

You know, I mention my history homework a lot when I put out these little posts. One might think I just really hate history homework; I don't. It just takes forever, usually at least an hour. I was just thinking that history probably takes up a good 50% of my homework time, most nights. This is unacceptable. From now on, no more history homework. I will write my teacher a note, explaining that it is annoying and I will learn elsewise. I'm full of shit.

I have a serious apprehension that Hellboy won't be very good. It just reeks of League of Extraordinary Genlemen-iness.

I've been working on my cartoon some more. Since some time this summer, I've been doodling these cartoon characters, two primarily, and I come up with ideas for strips, but they usually don't get drawn. Occasionally I do a sketch of one. But now, for the first time, I've got a strip all scanned into my computer, and I'm inking it with my tablet, and I may actually finish it! I'm not saying it will be any good, but it will be complete. And that's a start. Some of you may have seen when I posted a picture of one of the characters (http://www.deviantart.com/deviation/4430959/), many months ago. He has since changed drastically, and you'll see that if I ever post the completed comic.

I don't know. Maybe I should go back to waiting until I actually have something to say to post. Maybe.

No new posts until Friday.


AIM: Jake Aimer
MY E-MAIL! Okayeahwhatever@yahoo.com.


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