
Come for the lesbians, stay for the blog!

Friday, February 13, 2004

The experiment... it begins 

But where does this daring young computer whiz come from? And how did he attain these prodigious powers? Find out, in the secret history of... Microchip!

Young Nicky sits at his computer, typing furiously. His hacking skills are unparalleled.

Nicky: I've got to crack this code! There! I'm through the firewall! All I have to do to access these top secret GOVERNMENT FILES is press this button!


Nicky: This bolt of energy, emerging from the screen! Aaaaahh...!

As Nicky comes to...

Nicky: What... happened? Is my computer okay?

As Nicky reaches toward his computer, it bursts to life!

Nicky: Incredible! I can control my computer with my MIND! I can slice through the security systems of the world like butter! But, no! I shall use these powers for good! From this day forth, I shall be... Microchip!

Okay... I've been playing a lot of Freedom Force (http://www.myfreedomforce.com/index_ff2.html) lately. It's a pretty good game, but the character introduction scenes are great.

So, tomorrow I'm heading off to Mexico, but I just talked a lot about that yesterday. Not much has changed.

So, today was Valentine's Day. Or was it? No, it wasn't. It was Friday the 13th. And that seems stunningly appropriate to me. Because I'm what the outside world deems a "loser", but to my own community, it makes me elite, which we represent with the numbers 1337. See, they look kind of like numbers. The 1 is like... an "l". And two "e"s and a "t". L-eet. Get it? Oh God, see, this is why I'm not good at Valentine's Day.

So, despite my positively scintillating online personality, I'm really not so popular with the Ladies, or if I were, I wouldn't know it because I'm glued to the wall in a stealthy fashion, avoiding all interaction. Occasionally I'll peek around corners until their backs are turned, and then I'll scuttle past and duck into an air duct, making sure to make no noise. Well, that's an exaggeration, but, well, duh. I'm not even really like that. I can talk to girls, but at some point, I realized they couldn't hear me. Well some of them can. And I don't mind about the others. I mean, it's their loss.

Who am I kidding. And my lack of anything happening today, or ever, in fact, was compounded by the fact that I was surrounded by people holding roses and... hmm. I don't know where the roses came from. Maybe next time I'll bring my own rose and pretend someone gave it to me. Anyway, it was compounded by the fact that people were wandering about with mysterious roses, kissing each other, blatantly, without even ducking into the shadow, and rubbing themselves upon each other in a way that can only be their primitive method of marking their territory.

We've got some pretty hot girls at the school. But they're all dirty whores. I don't really know why girls don't like me that much; I'm relatively good looking, fairly clever, and I... have an array of differently colored tacks lying in a box on my table. Oh, and I'm pretty smart. And I have mad 1337 skillz. I'm thinking maybe it's my lack of confidence. Or maybe it's my palpable self-pity. I mean seriously, look: I'm doing it right now. Or maybe most high schoolers are morons and they'll come to their god damned senses in a few years. Don't worry; I'll be waiting for them.

Um... I should probably end this post, which is my last post for at least a week, probably, on a happier note. Today was my Grandpa's 80th birthday. We got him a big cake. It was yummy. His dog licked my hand. Everyone had fun. Well, no, that was all a complete lie.

But, I mean, I am going to Mexico for a week (see previous post), and that's pretty cool, even though it's supposed to be like 70 degrees and below. I'll be playing tennis too, and reading and drawing. And not using my computer in ANY WAY. I mean, it'll probably be good for me or something. I won't be wasting all my time talking to friends and... reading things on the internet. Informative things. And I won't be posting. Or playing Freedom Force (well that's probably good for me). Or using my awesome Wacom tablet to draw ON my computer. Oh well. You know, my flight's pretty early, I might stay up all night. It's better than sleeping. Sleep is for the week. I can see my EYES! And it's only 8:00. Woo!


MY E-MAIL! Okayeahwhatever@yahoo.com.


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