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Come for the lesbians, stay for the blog!
Saturday, February 07, 2004
The dream is over...
Deus Ex, not the website. Did I scare you? I thought I might have. Yeah, I beat it today. Quite a hefty playtime too, if you're looking for value. This game lasted me well over 30 hours, and it could have been much longer, I'm not sure. Took me about one and a quarter months.
And this begs the inevitable question: what next?
Well, that's an interesting question. Of course, I may go back and beat the game with its two alternate endings (see, there are THREE), thus proving that I'm not what you'd call "not a nerd", but nor am I an exceptional nerd, for many a gamer has beaten all three endings. But, right now I just don't feel like it. I might do it later, just so I can tell my little nerd friends I did. Then we will laugh maniacally, don capes, synchronize our watches and sit right back down. Because THAT'S what we do.
This may mean I suddenly begin spending my free time doing, say, ANYTHING else. Because– GYAH! Look behind you! an MJ12 Commando! PAM PAM PAM! Three shots in the general head direction mean the commando falls on the ground in a deadwise fashion. Right. My point is, I've spent way too many of my hours playing this game.
Oh oh! If any of you want to further prevent me from escaping into reality, where the Earth's yellow sun may very well give me super powers (I really have no way of knowing until I try), someone can get me a copy of Max Payne. Just get me the original. I probably couldn't run Max Payne 2. Maybe it's not even out for the Macintosh. We have oh-so-much computing power, you know, the world's cheapest supercomputer was made by some MIT guys with a bunch of G5 personal computers. Yeah. I think they got paid with pizza. If I were Conan O'Brien, or if I were speaking, that line would have been so funny. It's true though. Well, actually, it's not. Only the volunteers who helped assemble the device got pizza. I don't know what the programmers got. Microchips, perhaps? Get it? They're CHIPS. Chips! Chips. Chippos. Chippity chippity. Oh god I need sleep. But that's great. See, I stay up really late all week, and I do the same thing during the weekend. BUT IT DOESN'T MATTER! Yee hee hee hee hee hee! My point is, we have a lot of computing power but everyone hates us. And we don't get games. And without games, how can we become the violent teans everybody knows us to be? Huh? Huh?
Okay, previously I mentioned Force Monkeys. I spelled it "Force Monkies". I apologize. It's too bad they ended the strip after about a year. Good stuff though. It's I've also got them up in the links section, but as of this posting, I haven't yet rectified the naming error.
On a final note, Conan O'brien may some day graduate to become a being composed completely of energy. Then if I become an art major, I can join him. He's the best late night host. He deserves acclaim. Or possibly some kind of "accolade". Leno is old anyway. Not very old, but... okay, he's not really old. But he's annoying. Conan O'brien is the young whippersnapper. He's like 40. So shut up.
On a final note, about the posting schedule thing. Wow, what a great idea. Like Communism. Okay, the thing is, I did that post, plus this one and another one, all before the deadline. Well, that's probably just the creative spurt that occurs every time I break the downward spiral. This means the schedule system will probably be required within a week or two, when posting is unfun again. But I'll try to do it, just for you guys, and especially you ladies.
Nicky Young
MY AIM: Jake Aimer
And this begs the inevitable question: what next?
Well, that's an interesting question. Of course, I may go back and beat the game with its two alternate endings (see, there are THREE), thus proving that I'm not what you'd call "not a nerd", but nor am I an exceptional nerd, for many a gamer has beaten all three endings. But, right now I just don't feel like it. I might do it later, just so I can tell my little nerd friends I did. Then we will laugh maniacally, don capes, synchronize our watches and sit right back down. Because THAT'S what we do.
This may mean I suddenly begin spending my free time doing, say, ANYTHING else. Because– GYAH! Look behind you! an MJ12 Commando! PAM PAM PAM! Three shots in the general head direction mean the commando falls on the ground in a deadwise fashion. Right. My point is, I've spent way too many of my hours playing this game.
Oh oh! If any of you want to further prevent me from escaping into reality, where the Earth's yellow sun may very well give me super powers (I really have no way of knowing until I try), someone can get me a copy of Max Payne. Just get me the original. I probably couldn't run Max Payne 2. Maybe it's not even out for the Macintosh. We have oh-so-much computing power, you know, the world's cheapest supercomputer was made by some MIT guys with a bunch of G5 personal computers. Yeah. I think they got paid with pizza. If I were Conan O'Brien, or if I were speaking, that line would have been so funny. It's true though. Well, actually, it's not. Only the volunteers who helped assemble the device got pizza. I don't know what the programmers got. Microchips, perhaps? Get it? They're CHIPS. Chips! Chips. Chippos. Chippity chippity. Oh god I need sleep. But that's great. See, I stay up really late all week, and I do the same thing during the weekend. BUT IT DOESN'T MATTER! Yee hee hee hee hee hee! My point is, we have a lot of computing power but everyone hates us. And we don't get games. And without games, how can we become the violent teans everybody knows us to be? Huh? Huh?
Okay, previously I mentioned Force Monkeys. I spelled it "Force Monkies". I apologize. It's too bad they ended the strip after about a year. Good stuff though. It's I've also got them up in the links section, but as of this posting, I haven't yet rectified the naming error.
On a final note, Conan O'brien may some day graduate to become a being composed completely of energy. Then if I become an art major, I can join him. He's the best late night host. He deserves acclaim. Or possibly some kind of "accolade". Leno is old anyway. Not very old, but... okay, he's not really old. But he's annoying. Conan O'brien is the young whippersnapper. He's like 40. So shut up.
On a final note, about the posting schedule thing. Wow, what a great idea. Like Communism. Okay, the thing is, I did that post, plus this one and another one, all before the deadline. Well, that's probably just the creative spurt that occurs every time I break the downward spiral. This means the schedule system will probably be required within a week or two, when posting is unfun again. But I'll try to do it, just for you guys, and especially you ladies.
Nicky Young
MY AIM: Jake Aimer