
Come for the lesbians, stay for the blog!

Tuesday, November 04, 2003

The British are not like us. 

Yo, what the hell is up with European TV? I guess the real question is, what's the deal with American TV?

They say that in Europe, they show a lot more sex and stuff than we do, and in America, we show a lot more violence than they do.

Exactly who made that deal? Wasn't me. Wasn't me.

Thanks pals. Way to stiff millions of teenagers out of cheap boobs. Look, without the legalization of more sex on TV, teenagers have to turn to illegal pornography, which, little known fact, funds terrorists. And hey, I am not fond of terrorists.

"But, hey," you might say, "at least we get a lot of violence!" To that I reply, "Whee." Look, I'm not saying I don't enjoy watching a topless Jack Bauer getting whipped with a rubber hose, but I would trade that for more on-screen nudity. Let Britain have our violence. "Cheerios, we've got to lower that cholesterol!" Oh, oops. I mean, "Cheerio, I do believe that lady has a blade of glass protruding from her eye. Oh, dear!" No, seriously, Brits are the greatest. I mean, hell, they're the ones that probably have nudity on THEIR soap operas.

MY E-MAIL! Okayeahwhatever@yahoo.com.


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