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Sunday, September 14, 2003

You Guest it. 

Today, folks, I review "The Guest" by Phantom Planet. I hope my guitar teacher likes this, because he's the one who made me do this.

"The Guest" by Phantom Planet, establishes that these minor modeling and movie celebrities are all about the music. "Guest" displays Phantom Planet's and especially lead singer, Alex Greenwald's, stylistic range. While, at first I was not particularly impressed by many of the songs, as I had hoped, my appreciation for the album grew with each listening. The music shows some very clear influences, most noticeably The Beatles (the beginning of Lonely Day and the song Something is Wrong, and the A Day in the Life-like crescendo at the end of Wishing Well) and Radiohead (Turn Smile Shift Repeat). Alex Greenwald's voice shows a great deal of, sometimes melodramatic passion. While the electronic wizardry of vaunted producers Mitchell Froom and Tchad Blake occasionally overpowers the music, they generally contribute to the polish of the album. While the album seems to be lacking in serious content, it makes for guiltless fun.

If you have ANYTHING to tell me, do it: okayeahwhatever@yahoo.com.



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