
Come for the lesbians, stay for the blog!

Friday, September 12, 2003

Thank God it's Friday... and for this meal we are about to receive. 

Well, it's Friday and I'm in a pretty good mood. I'm going to try to write about today at school and whatever while rocking out to "Stacy's Mom". That song kicks so much ass, man! It's about this guy who's in love with his friend's mother. Isn't that great? The song is so freakin' power-poppy and yet it's so incredibly inappropriate. I love that. It's great. It's got my legs jerking around, which is a problem, because my computer is resting on my legs, and it's hard to type this way. Still.... I'm also downloading "Date Rape", by Sublime. That song kicks a lot of ass as well. It's about this guy who gets a girl drunk and rapes her, but then he goes to jail and gets raped by this other inmate. I know, it sounds terrible, but it's a really good song. And it's all sort of upbeat-sounding, because it's like ska. And it's got a moral too, and that's cool.

Anyway... my day. Well, it was cool. I met some more people today. Well, I'd already known who they were, but I actually, you know, met them. It was weird, it was drama class. At some point, all these kids crowded around me and wanted to mess with my hair and look at my nails. One guy wanted to braid my hair, but I think that made him feel weird so he didn't do it. If you know me, you'll know I have a white or blond streak of hair on the left side of the back of my head. It's a great conversation piece, because kids always gather around me and threaten to cut it off in my sleep, and that's always a good way to start a conversation. Maybe that's what lead to my nails. If you know me, you'll also know that the nails on my right hand are really long and sharp. It started out for finger-picking at my guitar, but then I realized it would be really cool to sharpen them and threaten Mikey. And that's how it all started.

Well, here it's different. At Laguardia, we're an art school so they love weird artistic expression. There's this one kid named Baraq, or something, and he saw my hair and he's like, "That is so cool! I can't get over how cool that is! Isn't that cool!" Kind of creepy. But fun.

So these kids gathered around me, and they're kind of weird, so they're like, "Dude! Scratch my arm." And a lot of them were cute girls so I'm like, "Uh... sure!" And then they're all like, "Whoah! That is SO COOL! Come over here! Oh, scratch him, scratch him!" And I'm like... "Okay." So that was fun. I think.

We have this class called "Voice and Diction" where we learn different accents and standard speech, which is how newscasters sound. So he had us read from this big 'ol packet and identified our accents. I read some and I had to read the word "dog" and he told me I had a stereotypical Brooklyn accent. Is that true? I guess. I do say "dauwg" and "cauwfee". But I can fix that quite easily.

I'm not sure I want to be friends with that weird girl anymore. I'm kind of scared of her. We're from different worlds, and I don't think I like her world. So I'm making friends with the cheery ones who wear bright colors. Well, the girls wear bright colors, the guys wear T-shirts that say stuff like "Iron Maiden" and they're Marilyn Manson fans. But they're not punk or goth or anything. They just like fucked up music. There's this girl named Emily Meade (I don't know how her last name is spelled) and she looks EXACTLY like Liz Miller, accept she's nicer and a little less artificial looking, which is really quite nice. She's one of the girls who wanted me to scratch her arm. "Yes, I'll scratch your arm anytime."

Yesterday I got on the 9 train and it was really packed, the kind of can't-move-your-appendages kind of packed. And I was rammed in there like a sardine... a gigantic sardine... in a train. And I just happened to be shoved into a Laguardia girl and her friend. So we introduced ourselves while being thrown on top of each other. That was fun. I forgot their names, which is bad, but I think, given the situation, it's forgiveable.

Well, I've got real homework now and I actually haven't eaten dinner yet. So, I'm going to go do that now.

Oh, don't you think more songs should use the word "bagel" in them? Yes, definitely. Anyway, bye now.



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