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Thursday, September 11, 2003

A Dream... 

I was talking to my (girl)friend about some cool dreams I had this week, and I thought, since I didn't really want to write about school, I would write about the dream for you.

So there was like this guy who turned into a zombie sometimes at night, I think. Right, and there were these hot girls who were like Slayers. The zombie guy was kind of like a monster that was in Buffy once and had me scared for a bunch of months a few years ago.
And I guess I realized I was dreaming at some point. Oh, but before that, I took this big stone bench and I lifted it, and I'm like, "I'm going to try and ram him with this, and then I'll give up."
So I tried, but it didn't work too good.
So then I noticed I was dreaming at some point.
And then I'm like, screw this. And then I chase down the blond girl and do some stuff...
Oh oh!
And then some guy or guy's, there might have been an old Chinese guy, and he berates me for not doing anything more creative in my dream.

I think there was some sort of Heath Ledger in "The Order" thing involved at some point.
And a fancy dinner thing outside and Heath Ledger goes crashing in on a zip line. In Manhattan. Weird.

I'll get back to you if I have anything useful to write. This is just to hold you losers off.



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