
Come for the lesbians, stay for the blog!

Saturday, February 11, 2006

Holy Fundamentalists, Batman! 

Have you ever visited okayyeahwhatever.blogpsot.com? I don't recommend you do. "But Nicky!" you say, "Isn't that your website?" To which I reply no, because I know how to spell "spot."

It would seem that the URL blogpsot.com and all variants of it have been registered by a website calleld Abundant Bible. They are a "mega-site of Bible, Christian and religious information and studies...." And according to the banner above the title, you can also WIN A FREE LAPTOP!!!

Headlines in unpleasant shades of red and pink warn of "The Soon Coming Climax." Amazing, those nutty radicals have stumbled onto my secret for racking up hits! But no, it's not a carefully detailed tutorial on increasing your stamina, it's a lengthy article explaining how the world will end soon, and how when everyone is dead, the true believers will be laughing it up from heaven while you look up at them from the bowels of the earth and shake your fist impotently. The belief here is apparently founded on some Biblical document. These prophecies, they say, are true about today's world, but not about the world 50 years ago. Let's take a look!

--"The Christian church at the time of the end would be lukewarm, neither cold nor hot for Jesus." I think a lot of Christian churches are hot for Jesus! I'm hot for Jesus! I'm on FIRE for Jesus! And besides, how can a Christian church be COLD towards Jesus? "Hey Pastor Bob, I know you're a Christian, but what do you think about Jesus?" "Well, I could take him or leave him, really." His name is right there in the name of the religion.

--"People would become lovers of themselves-2 Tim 3:1,2." There's a Bible character named Tim? I just think that's funny. If I wrote an addition to the Bible, it would probably be The Big Book of Tim, and then there would be a little subtitle saying, "Now with 20% more Tim free!" But besides that, eh? Did they just look around and go, "Man, people sure seem to love themselves! When did THAT happen?"

--"People would be disobeying their parents." Oh no. I don't have much to say on that one.

--"People would be without self-control in sex." I think that one is open for interpretation. Do they mean we'll be having sex willy-nilly (and I can tell you personally, that does not happen to everyone), or are they just saying we will be bad lovers? If anything, people have more self-control in sex, thanks to performance-enhancing drugs.

--"People would love pleasures more than God." Well... yeah. Okay... but... I just don't think that this is a development of the last 50 years. Maybe I'm wrong. Maybe that one snuck in there while we were all distracted with the laserdisc and the Civil Rights movement.

--"People would be taking drugs." Okay, that one's true. Ever since Pink Floyd invented drugs in the 1960's, this world has gone to shit. Why, Pink Floyd, why did you make us a generation of junkies!

--"People would mock about the last days and not believe." That one's not even fair. That's a self-fulfilling prophecy. I can't HELP mocking their ridiculous prophecy! If it were a cooler prophecy, maybe I would believe it better. Like if it said, "You will be brutally murdered in the line of duty, and then revived as a cyborg police officer" and then it happened, I would be totally on board with the prophecy.

But in the end, I just have to wonder exactly what the point of all this is. Why use blogpsot.com to host a fundamentalist Christian website? Everyone knows that users of Blogspot are the most intelligent and attractive people on earth, and this little "mega-site" is not going to scare very many of us. I just don't underSTAND it. Was the thinking, "Well, people will want to read their favorite blog every once in a while, so maybe if we register this URL, they'll accidentally find our ugly website dedicated to doomsday proclamations! And they'll LIKE it." It's a good plan. I was trying to find a friend's blog about Brokeback mountain, but I stumbled upon jimmythesnitch.blogpsot.com by accident. And I said, "You know, I could make sure I didn't misspell the URL, but that sounds like a lot of work and I AM kind of in the mood to get Saved and shit." It's kind of like disguising your blog as a porn site and hoping that people who come upon it (no pun intended!) while looking for porn will decide they weren't horny at all so much as they were looking for a series of unconnected posts about generally non-pornographic aspects of life. If you are looking for some quality porn and you found this site by accident, try Hottiewithakillerbody.blogpsot.com.


MY E-MAIL! Okayeahwhatever@yahoo.com.
AIM: Jake Aimer (0) comments

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